the first time i clean all my electronics internal;
so 14 years since i had not clean my amp, i cleaned it with air duster, it had so many dirty particles inside, that i was amazed, i used the same air duster to clean inside my computer;
i used a soft cloth to clean everything that had surface;
i also used a cloth to clean the speakers cons and tweeters, but wonder if it is a better way to clean it?
i cut the end oxidation part of the speaker cable and made a new fresh cut part to connect to my speaker!
ps. i have no much money to buy the talisman but i wonder if it would work so much use
The Talisman would be a total waste of money, and could damage your speakers if you got it too close and slipped, assuming that the magnet is actually strong, and not just large.
The cr*p that Shakti sells to the gullible is total garbage with no effect on any audio device - simply decoration for those who believe in magic. Their explanations are simply drivel.
Their stuff is right down there with a delusion a few years ago that putting coins on speakers would somehow make them sound “better”.