The next DirectStream update?

Nice afternoon chuckle out of that one.

I too wonder what else could possibly be improved. I’m having too much fun rolling tubes in the BHK pre.

We’ve all heard of FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out), right? I think I detect a hint of FOTO (Fear Of Technological Obsolescence) in this thread :wink:

Without re-reading all of Ted’s posts, it strikes me that Ted’s signature device will embrace code updates, but is tilted towards SQ improvements that arise from hardware/power supply constraints.

Regardless, Redcloud is pretty awesome. Improvements are most welcome but, honestly, I have bigger issues with room acoustics and other aspects of my setup than I do with the DAC at this point…


Convolution is well worth the effort to explore and setup. My room is by far my limiter at this point as well. Without convolution, I dislike my system. I also use 6 panels of differing types to help a bunch.

I would bet the gains to be had are an order of magnitude greater than is left in the DS FPGA updates or quite significant anyway.

Convolution?? Did you ride without your helmet, mister?

Not for 50 years! :wink:

While we’re asking for things, I’d like to see a self diagnostic function: I’ve checked myself and I have exactly the same fingerprint I had when I left The Mother Ship; You have no sound because…; the left channel tube is weaker than the right beyond a satisfactory band; connection continuity, etc.

Don’t read anything into my lack of responding to this (or other threads) since Thursday. Kidney stones have kept me busy (more accurately: the removal of them.) Almost makes me long for a day or two of excruciating pain and then a few years of relief…

I don’t always choose my words as carefully as I should and saying I’m working on new DS code in my “spare time” was one of those. I do all of my software/FPGA development in my spare time, I just have more spare time at times and less at others. Most of the work comes from showering, driving for 10 hours straight, etc. When I’m slogging thru routing a board I need breaks every couple of days and I spend some time working on software, simulating new ideas in Spice or C++, etc. I always want a main task and at least another one or two back burner tasks active so I can be making progress on something no matter how I’m feeling about any particular task at a given time.

FWIW There already has been some trickle down from the TSS work in the software for the DS and Jr. More than once while thinking thru using the new resources in the FPGA (and out side it) on the TSS I’ve realized that those ideas could work on the DS and DS Jr too. I’m not sure if any particular feature will be or won’t be in the next release for the DS and DS Jr, but I’m pretty sure they will be coming as I work on them.

No matter what: remember I’ve been a software guy for more than 40 years and still like to write new code - it’s great to have some specific, but self directed items to work on whenever I want: e.g. the FPGA code.


Been there, done that, there is only one direct way in to remove them.
Those stones definitely re calibrate your pain scale.

Back on topic, the DS is the DAC that just keeps on giving, haven’t there been 10 updates over 4 years?
If you figure the PWD into the time line ( from 2008? ) this DAC line has one of the longest runs I know of.

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My late father had Kidney stones and I remember the pain he suffered with them.
I thought there had to be something up for you to be silent for so long. And: I had a sneaking suspicion your little grey cells would get stimulated re: code ideas working on your new baby. Great to have you back and in good health.


Sorry to hear you had to suffer through that pain. Hopefully they won’t come back! Thank you for all your work. It always amazes me that you can find ways to improve something that seems so perfect anyway!


Very happy to hear that you have survived the kidney stones.

Recover quickly. I am yet another who has had kidney stones surgically removed. Not fun.

And thank you for the description of how you work. Makes perfect sense. :slight_smile:

Sorry to hear ted. Glad you are on the mend.
I think your story about how you write is global. I don’t know why that is. My friends and I are the same. I now spend more time away from my desk than at it. People don’t understand I am hashing thru things as I walk or bs with others or whatever. My excuse for screwing off and being productive all at the same time. The brain is a funny thing. :slight_smile:

I’ve been there and done that too Ted. The natural (and painful way) and lithotripsy. Hope you have no recurrence for a long, long time.

What’s up with audiophiles and kidney stones? I’ve also had my fair share of kidney stones, and passed most of them the natural and painful way. The last few I passed were much easier with the help of a product from Herb Pharm called Stone Breaker. This herb really helps prevent, and break up stones you may be passing.

Also make sure I drink plenty of water now.

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Is now a good time to talk about my prostate? Or are we still on kidney stones?


I suspect the shared experience ( I am also a “club member”) of such extreme pain explains the over sharing in this instance. Welcome back, Ted.

Were they protein, calcium oxalate, or uric acid stones?

I had a very painful calcium oxalate stone that luckily passed in a few hours. Apparently the doctor blamed it on my tea consumption, but I’ll never stop drinking tea.

Good grief . . .

Oxalate. Tea is probably my issue, I drank roughly a gallon a day of iced tea for, hmm, almost exactly the years that I had stones. I’ve gone back to straight water…

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