The reviews of the Unicorn Meat are the best part!
My wife will have me admitted (again) from my non-stop laughter. I’m sorry to be offensive to anyone of you unicorn lovers out there , but I cannot take another look into the Amazon site. It’s just too funny. I feel a bit relieved to know that there are other sick people, and not just me and my new make believe friend, Jackhole (Jack for short)
4krow said: I feel a bit relieved to know that there are other sick people, and not just me
You just figured that out? =))
We just have to figure out a way to download prozac. :O
And now a word from our sponsors.
Again, it’s all about the reviews…
Alrighty then, this list will keep us busy until Gordon brings more insight.
Back to work, G! Start plugging and unplugging those inputs. Review some William Shatner tracks for realism. The whole world’s watching! No, listening… no, still just watching you listen… um…never mind.
G Jackhole doesn’t like you anymore.