Too many upgrades at one time?

I was listing to one of The Hifi podcast with @DarrenMyers and Duncan (great podcast if you haven’t checked it out yet!) they were talking about doing too many upgrades at once. If there is a poster child for this it might be me. Since most of my system almost all of it is made up of preowned components and as the saying goes “strike when the iron is hot” I recently picked up a P10 (thanks @tech-hifi) I also found a used Roon Nucleus that was priced at the your crazy if you don’t get it price! Along with upgrading all my source component power cables with AQ NRG Z3’s and added some Isoacoustic Orea’s to my M1200’s all in the past 5 days! Yikes is that too much to soon? I hope not. Please tell me there are other members of the TMU club out there!


TMU if you were hoping to evaluate each component change individually - but otherwise perfect.

Excellent shopping!


Thank you! I did one track evaluations one upgrade at a time! I’m very pleased with all so far!


The true challenge is knowing when to stop. I wish you luck. Enjoy the ride!

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Stop? I haven’t got one of those yet! Soon I hope but with the BHK 600 coming I think there’s going to be some BHK 300’s hitting the market soon!

Do you have a DS yet?

Hi Brett. Yes I do! DSD Sr w/Matrix Spdif, BHK Preamp, P10, a pair of M1200’s, a pair of Martin Logan CLX Art speakers, a pair of JL Audio F113 subwoofer, JL Audio CR-1, a heavily modified Oppo 203 and lots cables to tie it all together! Just replaced my Mac Mini with a Nucleus and I’m scratching my head on why I waited so long! I need to stop looking at online audio classifieds!


Go ape crazy I always say.

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Al your my inspiration! I have another Sbooster on the way for my Nucleus!


Keep on keepin’ on, I love hearing about your trip. :slight_smile:

Do you have a PST yet? If no, what’s your time line for it? :slight_smile: Although from experience I would suggest first, a P20 on a dedicated 20 amp, solid core 10 gauge circuit with the best power cord available. That addition with Ted’s help total amazed me, in fact took me by surprise.

Occasional member of the TMU club myself. I get into binge mode with tweaks. I have a weakness for cables and power conditioning gadgets - it’s the high-end audio equivalent of opening a box of Cheez-its. Irresistible. Ah well, at least I admit my addiction, but I do have to remind myself when I’ve accumulated a bunch of new tweaks to evaluate each one at a time. It’s a battle!

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Hear me now and believe me later, Al has been my TMU check.


I don’t have a PST but you never know. I modded out my Oppo 203 with all the upgrades from before the PST was released. The Oppo is not on the level with any of the PS transports but is probably close to the PS Memory Player performance wise since they share the same drive. I also use my Oppo for home theater and I have to say since I connected to the P10 the audio and video quality have gone way up! The picture quality with the Oppo/P10 is amazing it was always good but now it’s beyond a reference video player!

So, if we all “miss-behave” less than @aangen then we are fine?



Double check, I appreciate Al’s talk, presentations; they are among the easiest of this forum’s opinionates for me to digest.

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I remember you have decent speaker cables as well. Time to sit back and enjoy the marvelous setup you’ve put together.

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I’m enjoying it all the way thru the process. I said it’s like a drag racer trying to shave tenths of a second off the drag times. I feel like I’m trying to get those incremental sound improvements and it’s starting to reach the point of diminishing returns with the cost/performance ratio factoring in. But like Al @aangen living the dream just with a much smaller budget mixed with some lucky hifi bargain shopping!

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That improvement curve is almost a straight line up after about 95% or so. The 80/20 or 90/10 rule applies. 80-90% of the improvement is available for 10-20% of the cost. After that you have to flip the numbers to the other side of the equation. :thinking:

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I’d say it’s all about how you phase in the upgrades. As they say opportunity knocks…
The TMU gene, or :want gland" may have considerable basis for the success of USAudiomart and their ilk. Not necessarily a bad thiing. Enjoy the riide.

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