TSS Two Chassis Super DAC

Yes, would be interesting to examine this practicality.

What makes it a little hard to judge is, that you never know, if the dynamics of today’s DS are right or those of tomorrow’s, the record player”s or those of the TSS some day…which is too little, exaggerated or actually correct is often a temporary observation of the equipment someone wants to take as a reference

Hi Ted

How close are you to having a final BOM such that Paul can give a idea of what the selling price will be?


Things are not quite that simple - there’s the BOM, but also the cost of the boards (which isn’t trivial), the cost of the separate AC transformers, wiring harnesses, casework, display, etc. Let alone the prices from the contract manufacturer, etc. Also all of these depend on how many units are built in a batch. I’m pretty sure that things aren’t close enough yet to make a good estimate (tho I have saved some non-trivial amount from the prototype boards to the production boards, by nuking an AC transformer and power supply in the digital box. (The other one has plenty of extra power as it turns out.))

@Paul Will the TSS pricing be based on cost + with no IP added due to R&D?

I am having a hard time contemplating if I am going to increase gain in my preamp to 18 or 20dB on the expense of a rised noise floor. I need it for the DS, however if I decide to replace the DS with the TSS the gain mod. is not required anymore (+12dB will suffice).
I have to send my preamp all the way from Norway to the Rogue factory in the US to do this.

Any thoughts about this?

In so far as the TSS will have standard levels, if you have other units with standard levels you can see how they work.

that good new about cost savings , I sure hope this can come in at under $20K list

Yes, however my concern is what to do if I continue with the DS.
I am confident that it is the low output of the DS (You have explained why) that are causing me problems. Normal output levels from another DAC to amp cause me no problems.
If I decide to switch gain I may have to revert back to 12dB if and when I replace my DS with the TSS…:roll_eyes:
From what I understand the rised gain in my preamp will cause noise to be more dominant during low volume levels.

Stumbled across something exciting in the warehouse just now. Looks like we have the chassis for the TSS back from getting powder coated :grin:



Fits well with the overall PSA look.

That was an important criteria we gave to our mechanical engineers, so I’m glad to hear you say that! We wanted the lineage to be clear while push the boundaries of what we’ve done before.

I think it would look right at home next to some BHK amps and a P20. I really can’t wait to see the finish in black.

Is this still a prototype/mock-up or is the design now frozen?

This is somewhere between the two. It’s more finalized than a prototype, though we have not started producing it en masse, so hypothetically changes could still be made.

Is there something about the design that causes you to ask that?

Not really. Waiting in suspense for the black version :blush:

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Wow, the whole frontal area is touchscreen?
I love the slight angle. Clean and modern.

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The sculpted front side posts are interesting, as is the way the sides wrap into the front.

Is that the Analog or Digital box or will they be the same enclosure?

Not a fan of the painted black top or powder coating for the 20k or better asking price. A machined polished aluminum case would be more in line for a statement product imho.

Where is the square logo light going to go?!?!?!?

Two of those for one DAC… man this is a serious piece of work.