TSS Two Chassis Super DAC

Do both, digital and analog section occupy the space of that extra high chassis or is the second of those big chassis just selected for design reasons?

I didnā€™t choose the exact shape of the cases, but having more room on the display so that more than one item can be viewed at a distance is good. Also I wanted enough room on the touch screen for doing quick gestures (e.g. ā€œMUTE now, dang it!ā€) without needing a magnifying glass to press the correct area.

Having more room for air circulation is important in the analog box: A linear power supply needs to be able to dissipate all of any excess voltage as heat. The supplies need to operate with, say, 100V on the low side and also with 150V on the high side. I want to keep the analog board at a reasonable temperature and space for air flow is the only way to avoid a fan. There are PCB mounting holes that are strategically placed to conduct heat away from higher temperature parts, but thereā€™s no substitute for moving air and a large surface area to radiate excess heat.

The transformers are taller than in previous units. Not having to sharply bend wires between the AC transformers and the boards is a good thing.


Any standard size that makes sense for the weight of the unit.

For example 1/4" 20 threads per inch , 1/4ā€™ deep would be plenty.

I think three holes would be sufficient


Stillpoints donā€™t need to be screwed in; they are often better placed under a transformer or other source of vibration and form a balanced triangle to be most effective.

But the two boxes could also be placed far apart (one hidden) or have I misunderstood this?
This is important if one lacks rack space.

The optical link between the boxes can be very long and is relatively robust (you can walk on it.) Iā€™m using a 30ā€™ cable at the moment.


That is a robust optical cable.

A frustration in doing on location recording is how many are drawn to stepping on the cables. Kids are great at deliberately stepping over, but many adults seem to aim to step on them.

I have learned that mic cables are pretty tolerant of abuse. It would take a lot to convince me it is OK to step on an optical cable. :slight_smile:

@tedsmith - Speaking of separation between TSS boxes (digital/analog) and touch screen. Does both boxes require line of sight (laser) for daily operation. Letā€™s say the analog box was in another room. What is required for each boxā€™s operation?

For my set-up it is easy, I will have (2) glass shelves (7.5in) high for both units. Iā€™m thinking of others that may have the TSS (digital/analog) remote from each other.

Will we interact with both (analog and digital) boxes or will all of the functionality to handled by say the digital box, making the analog box passive and easier to place?

They connect with fiber optic and you can make that as long as you want (if I remember what Ted explained to me).

@Paul - Yes, I get itā€¦ not the question. The question was about the operation, not connection. If I stuff the back half (analog) in a closet, do I need a IR repeaterā€¦ due to having to operate the analog section (volume; filtersā€¦?) or having to open the closet for settings (not only once settings either)ā€¦ I think @g9taylor asked my question a better way about my concern for other members. Me, I will have access to the front, setting them up in the vertical rack I have.

The connection is via an optical cable - like a long pair of TOSLink cables, zipcord style. One cable for each direction:

On the bench

Zoomed in on the analog card

You can put each box where you want with the optical cable connection between them. Youā€™ll be able to cut the cable as long as you want (with a simple tool provided) to avoid slack if you want.

The remote control only needs to talk to the digital box, it will be RF so location isnā€™t terribly important, but you can also run everything from the front panel of the digital box.

I suspect most will put the analog box near their amp(s) and the digital box a ways away on a different outlet. Iā€™ll probably put my digital just to the right of the listening chair for easy screen access and the analog box in the equipment rack next to the preamp.


Wow, I know itā€™s going to be a rare use case but the flexibility of distance between the two chassis is cool.

@tedsmith - that is exactly the answer I was looking to digest. Line of sight, not important (RF remote), all system functionality will be in the digital portion, and boxes are 17in X 16in X 6in. Now we can start planning TSS D/A location, rack layout, and system configuration. In addition, picturesā€¦:sunglasses:

I did have a question about thermal. I can set up my rack for 7.5in or 9.5in spacing vertical between glass shelves. Going 9.5in is better spacing; however, do you have a minimum spacing for thermal. I will be adding another 0.50in vertical by removing the production feet and adding Isoacoustic feet. Iā€™d like to use 7.5in spacing because the PF 2.16 streamer weighs close to 100lbs and would like to save as much vertical space. My present DSD has 3.0in space on 7.5in rack shelf; however, it is 4.5in high after pucks are added. I donā€™t see the TSS requiring a lot of thermal space like the BHKPRE. Can you give use a feel for thermal conductivity and space needed. I assume PSA will be performing temp testing w/ new enclosure; TC probes taped to glass over hot spots?

Optical cables - I assume the production version chassis will have connectors that accept aftermarket TOSLINK cables?

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Ted, would you elaborate on cutting the optical cord to length? I am surprised one can easily cut it as I expect the ends need be polished for the cable to work its best.

I was under the impression that they perform better when screwed in


Here is the video ted posted a whileback on using the optical cable


Thanks! I appreciate it.

This is ridiculously easy.

After talking with the stillpoints guys, comparing reviews, and some extensive personal testing, thatā€™s what seems to have panned out as the best (for me). In terms of comparing 3 vs 4 stillpoints, I did not discern that much of a difference
in performance to warrant the extra cost either.

Yes to me even thinking logically having the footer attached to the device would seem to take better advantage of how the Still point works
