Unexpected gap in "Ragtime World" - "Madonna" track


Erwan, here.

I’m from France, I’m an audiophile and a huge fan of Octave records productions.

This week, I purchased “Ragtime World” from Octave Records, in DSD128 format.

When I was listening to the track #4 “Madonna” with my dCS Bartok, I heard what appears to be a sudden unexpected blank of about 1s on the left channel at 2:36.

I converted the dsf file to pcm, and opened it to see what the waveforms looked like: there is effectively a blank at 2:36.414 which really seems to be an issue.

How to have this solved ?



Welcome, Erwan!

Hello, Erwan. Glad to have you here.

I have both the DSD64 and the DSD256 of this album, so I took a listen for what you’ve identified. There is no problem on the DSD64 file, but there is clearly a sound gap at 2:36, as you’ve described, in the DSD256 file. So, clearly it is from some sort of production error.

I’m sure Octave will want to correct this and release a corrected download file. I suggest you contact them via their contact page and tell them about the problem.

We will all benefit from your initiative sorting this out!


Hello Rushton,

Thanks for the confirmation.

I already contacted them through support@psaudio.com on October 5 and got no news since then…



Thanks, Erwan. I’ve also written to them through the same address. They are a small company, and response times may be a bit slow as a result. But I know they care about delivering a high quality product.

Thanks for the help. It is fixed and awaits upload by the IT team. I’ll ask Aaron to reach out when it has been updated.

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Would you mind shooting me a quick email? This way once the web team gets the new files uploaded I’ll send you an updated link. jamesh@psaudio.com


Thanks @Paul and @jamesh !
@jamesh , I’ve just sent you an email.

The files are updated on the site and we should be all set. @Erwan_Reguer and @Rushton your original link will now direct you to the new files on our servers without the channel gap. Let me know if you need time extended on the link.