AFAIK, it is trace amounts from the soil. I suspect the problem is that the detection technology keeps getting better and better, which allows the legions of professional outragers to find something to carp about and spoil our fun.
Depending on the toxin, there is certainly some truth to this.
“The dose makes the poison” but the conventional wisdom that has set in is that if it can be detected it must be a problem.
My wife’s Belgian and you’re talking chocolate? This is where we indulge, usually fresh cream chocolates that don’t travel and have to be eaten. Shame.
They do bars from about 65% to 85%, but we always used to buy tonnes of Côte d’Or Mignonettes from the petrol station before we came home.
100% for me these days, although there are some very nice 85 and 90% bars around too
I thought 100% was only for baking. You obviously have tougher taste buds than I do.
my family refer to it as “mud”
My mom always had 100% in the house that she snacked on rarely. I got to enjoy it too, but not at lot at a time.
Yeah best not to eat too much in one go…
mind you, plenty of fibre
When my (new) MIL stayed with us for a while, we’d share our after dinner treat of a piece of fine chocolate, usually in the 65-75% range. On occasion she would (and I say this with peace and love! ) comment in a slightly superior tone that she preferred “pure” chocolate. We’re pretty sure her attitude was coming from all the medical information shows she watched (they come out of Europe), all generally saying that everything is best when eaten in its purest form. Or that’s how she interprets it, anyway. So we bought her a bar of 100% fine chocolate and said it was just for her.
A couple of after dinner treats later and she quickly “refined” her opinion.
Ivory soap is 99.44% pure. Has she tried eating that?
That’s because 100% pure chocolate (cacao) has no dairy or sugar added to it which most people are addicted to, and it has somewhat of a bitter taste. But if you add cacao to smoothies or combine it with other foods like granola with say almond milk or oatmeal with fruit or raisins, it tastes really good, imo.
Yes, as chocophiles my wife and I know these things. We just wanted to tweak her mom a little as we knew her comments were based on “what science was telling her”.