What are you listening to/watching on YouTube?

Indeed, it is absolutely outstanding! This is a regular concert BluRay in my soundroom. Along with Simple Minds - Live In Verona City Of Lights, Toto Live In Poland, Chris Botti - Live In Boston 2008, anything Rush, Toto, Supertramp, Pink Floyd, G3 or Tommy Emmanuelle. And if you need your mood lightened, Dr. Hook 1975 at the Old Grey Test Whistle is a true delight.

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Interesting comparison.


He’s refreshingly articulate and more importantly, not stupid.:+1:t3:

And his wife likes Flamenco Sketches, probably my top pick (if I were senselessly forced to rank the tunes on KoB). But that’s more in the category of, "Good on yer, mate!":stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: Wish my wife had even known what Kind of Blue was. But I can’t fault someone for not “getting” a genre of music.

I do take issue with some of his gear, but frankly I Do Not Think that that excludes him from deriving meaningful subjective comparative impressions from it. We all remember when we thought all sorts of things based on whatever the Newest Bestest gear we owned at the moment - throughout our lives. Still happening for me at least.:man_shrugging:t2:

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Cardas Tour. Pretty cool.


@Elk - realize this musically may not be your cuppa, but A) it is in your neck of the woods (MN) - and check out the 6 Piece Horn break at around 3:30…tasty!

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Tasty indeed.

This is the Hornheads. Superb, tight playing.

Here is a fun Stevie Wonder Medley:

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Same section👍🏼

It gives a wet t-shirt contest new life !!

I have a couple of Hornheads albums. I find them lots of fun in small doses, but after a couple of tracks everything sounds the same.

Yeah - I feel that way about Cory Wong and the Wongnotes - very impressive and tight funk, but only in small doses. At least they periodically stop playing once in a while (actually employ rests and breaks), but they still manage to overplay a fair amount. I blame The You Tube.:stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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Getting all one with Nature with the new album from Scandinavian band Heilung,
first track from it.

Goosebumps at 2:20,
… and wait for the Drop at 3:22 - Shivers.


Not YouTube, but a cool animated Little Feat video for “Fat Man in the Bathtub.”


Even more historical images of the HB.
