What are you spinning right now?

David Felder: a pressure triggering dreams (1996/97)
June in Buffalo Orchestra/Harvey Sollberger
David Felder, electronics

Barenboim conducting from the piano. Full of drama in the pre-HIP style…


Daryl and John.

“The Complete Anita O’Day Verve/Cleff Sessions”

Disc V. The first session on this disc, with the Russ Garcia Orchestra, is a lot of fun. Everyone seems to be feeling it. . . .

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One track (“Campaigner”) from Neil Young’s forthcoming album “Songs for Judy” is streaming on TIDAL … sounds good!

I’ve had enough of reading things
By neurotic psychotic pigheaded politicians
All I want is the truth, just give me some truth

John Lennon, “Gimme Some Truth” (1971)


I heard Aho’s “Minea” performed in one of the finest concert halls in the world. It was something special.

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I heard this guy as a support act a few years ago. He was so depressing it was almost funny. Things must be on the up as he is touching on sanguine. It’s really rather good.

Just posting this. https://www.linnrecords.com
New website
I’ve many of their recordings, consistently amongst the finest for audio quality of any label I know.

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while working…


Nashville, 2002



September 2010, NYC - Released on Nonesuch, Produced by Judith Sherman

Can your system handle these rhythms?


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What is your impression of the performance and of the recording itself?

I’m quite pleased with it. Almost immediately I found myself emotionally engaged even though I was not sitting in my listening chair. This makes my first Starker recording. As I am something of a classical novice I cannot offer a more nuanced opinion. I’m aware this particular recording has been criticized for the quality of the transfer to digital in the past. My copy is 176/24 from HDTracks. I’ve found with classical recordings some downsides. Perhaps you might be able to offer some insight into the additional background noise that I’ve heard on a few of these recordings now. I asked about it here: Orbiting Planet Sound

Disc VI. Big band sessions, Billy May Orchestra. Not my favorite stuff in the set, but some great moments.

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I am delighted to hear you are enjoying it!

I do not know about the background noise you are experiencing. I suspect it is not the recording, but rather something about how your playback chain is configured.


I grew up about 0.1 miles from Smoke’s location. I moved before it opened, but I have seen several great shows there including, in 2003, Wynton Marsalis sitting in with a quintet that included Messrs. Alexander and Farnsworth. It is a great club and a great place to see a show. I am very happy that it is still going strong. There is also what looks like an awesome array of “Smoke Sessions” recordings available for purchase (and I am embarrassed to admit that I do not yet own any of them!).