Which HDMI cable are you getting for your new PerfectWave SACD Transport?

I just sent in my DMP to trade up to the new model and I was told to keep the HDMI cable that came with the DMP. The new PerfectWave SACD Transport doesn’t come with one. Currently considering the Kimber Cable 29. What are you using or considering and why?

I could continue to use the stock PSAudio cable, but wondering if I can do better and realistically by how much?

There is a lot of discussion on this topic right now on the matrix Spdif thread. My opinion a reference class SACD transport deserves the very best HDMI you can afford! It will make a difference.https://forum.psaudio.com/t/matrix-x-spdif-2/9116/4426

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Thanks for the link paul172. That’s alot to wade through and alot of mention of usb. I can’t quite follow all the technical info. I just need PST to DAC. One could spend thousands on an HDMI cable with so many, many choices on the way up. It’s overwhelming and challenging to spend so much on a player and then to find and afford the cable that is worthy of the player.

The Revelation Audio Labs HDMI cable is pretty much an end game purchase. At $699 it’s a bargain. Sadly, it’s a pain in the ass to get. It’s worth it though.


Hi James, Al is a great source on this topic. I found most of his advice to be right on. The RAL HDMI is very popular on this forum for I2S. If 1.5 m is what you need it’s a great deal for a reference cable tho it looks like it may of gone up in price to $799. I paid $619 for my .75 Audioquest Diamond which is no longer in production. To get in the same realm as the diamond you’d have to go AQ Firebird which can be found for under $1k (yes crazy) but for a $6k Sacd transport the cables like RAL HDMI, AQ Diamond, and AQ Firebird are a must in my opinion to give you all the performance the PSA PW Transport is capable of giving! If you are looking for a absolute steal and want to get your feet wet this is a bargain which I’ve had success with The AQ Vodka at Music Direct. $119

Here is some more links. I can’t wait to hear your review on the perfectwave transport! Enjoy!

> Blockquote

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Thanks for all the suggestions. Will investigate. Elsewhere I was recommended the Kimber Kable HD29. Any thoughts on it?

I have no experience with that cable, perhaps someone else…

I own Kimber HD29. It´s been long since I used it but when I got Inakustik top model hdmi Kimber went back to sitting on a shelf. And that Inakustik was bested by cheapish aes/ebu xlr from Matrix to dsd. So not really helpful but I would strongly recommend what others said already,get top level hdmi for top level transport!

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I experienced with two Nordost HDMI Cables. Heimdal 2 and Valhalla 2. The latter has a very high resolution, not any silvery glare. It is sounding very rich, natural and full-bodied. Highly recommended. In my opinion Heimdal 2 was more likely and very natural sounding compared with any Wireworld Connections, but Heimdal 2 was really outperformed by Valhalla 2 …

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Now that there is surely a nice cable :sunglasses:

I got a used Wireworld Platinum Starlight HDMI - very happy with it

I use either the Van de Hull top of the line or the PS Audio AC-12 HDMI. I have 2 of the VdH and only use one, and I have five of the AC-12 (in use in any component with an HDMI port) and one is a spare. With a recent speaker cable change the AC-12 is better than ever and the best I’ve heard–I’ve compared to Purist Audio, Mapleshade Audio, VooDoo Cable and a few non-audio brands. I also have two PS Audio AC-10 which are just a tad too warm for my transport use but wonderful with audio/video use–due to length and until I can find a longer AC-12 I use an AC-10 between Oppo UDP-205 and tv.

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I have Nordost Vahalla 2 hdmi, between DSD and PST, from my audiodealer to test how it sounds…It’s an incredible big step forward with everything. Voices, mids en low, everything sounds so much better. I normally use AC 12 from PS Audio. Only problem with Valhalla is… it’s very expensive. Almost 3000Euro for 0,6m…Brrrrrr. But as said it sounds so much better, incredible…


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I agree with Paul172, the AQ Vodka from Music Direct is a no brainer at $120. Start your journey there, when/if you find something better you can always sell the Vodka for $120.

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I have an RAL and it’s my favorite so far. But a very close second is the Harmonic Technology “Magic” cable which is much less expensive.

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Yes, the HT is a bargain, only bettered by the WWPL7 back in the day when Cable Co
had tryouts. The RAL is top of the heap today though I have not tried AQ or Nordstrom.
I think they still offer $100 off for the cable so consider $699 a “bargain”.

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So, Ronald, a big step up from the AC12?

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Yes a very big step. Everything sounds much better, voices, mids, bass and and more micro details, and with PS Audio AC12 is was already good into my ears. Used it for years with my DMP. But now my PST sounds better and with nordost Valhalla 2 another big step forwards. I love it. Only the price is very high for a hdmi cable. But on the other hand I have a very good sounding PST. Never had such a good sounding transport. I have had a few cd players. Like Marantz 17, Merdian 508, Lindemann SACD player 820S, Lindemann 680 SACD, DMP, PWT. But transport PST sounds best. It’s a journey for many years, that never ends I think.


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Does anybody have experience with Blue Jeans Cable’s Belden Series-FE HDMI Cable? I believe Belden is a reputable brand and the price at $13.50 for a 2’ length is pretty enticing, Any thoughts?

Glad to here the HT Magic rates just behind the indubitable;) RAL cable in your system. I just bought one based on comments here, and also based on the great success with my HT Pro-9 Reference speaker cables. Only had it a week or so and seems to be settling down. Sounded a little harsh right out of the box.

I did pick up the deeply discounted AQ Vodka. Out of the box I preferred that over the stock PS Audio cable. I just can’t justify a $1k cable. My ignorance is my bliss.

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