Your Next Upgrade? (Part 2)

I think this is the mat that is on Al’s RP10!

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Funk Firm 3 mm Achromat, using it with my P8, now in its box, to good effect.
The Boston Carbon Mat was a close second on the P8, being slightly thicker than the Rega felt mat shimming was a requirement that I am unwilling to explore.


Shelf liner IMO, tried it and went with the Achromat.

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I use a Synergistic mat and like it quite a bit, visually it’s a perfect match for my TT

If you want to get all crazy like, you can add the record weight, with the little colored doodads as well🙂


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It looks like it is as one with the Acoustic Signature turntable. Spectacular looking.

On my Avenger


Gotta like that Kuzma Four Point tone arm.

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Now for something completely different. Has anyone tried a separate power supply on their router? My router to streamer/DAC is fairly direct with a Muon Pro in between. I have considered a mega switch (like the Tempus) but really don’t need one or think the cost justifies the bump. Thought maybe replacing a weak spot in the router could help, from the likes of LHY or Ifi.

I have the melco which comes with the Plixr. Never tried w/o so I cannot compare. I did add a cheopo 5V LPS from alibaba to my media converter before the Melco. Not sure I noticed anything.

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Yes I did! Dr.Sean Jacobs PSU feeding the router. It sounds nice. I got result also upgrading the DC cable (mundorf silver/gold) from PSU to router.


Luca reported LPS made a big difference on his router, and he tried a IFI Ipower X and did not like it. But his LPS is over $2k so it better made a difference.

I have the same IFI ipower X for my satellite and I remember it improved my streaming SQ over the stock PS a little.

I will receive an IFI Elite PS later today. This one was recommended to be used with my previous streamer (Euphony Summus2). They switched from a LPS to it. I will find out if it is better than my current PS. This is about the right amount I want to spend for a satellite.:slightly_smiling_face:


I also use a few ifi ipowerx’s on modem & mesh network devices. For the modest price and level of attention I was looking to give to those devices (not a ton), it was an easy & worthwhile upgrade. I have an ifi elite on a SR FEQ, but it’s a different voltage so I can’t try it on network devices.

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I absolutely do not believe in power supply upgrades for modems. I would not consider it. I have power supplies sitting in storage that would probably work great, just take two minutes and plug them in. I wish to save the two minutes for farting or spitting. Much better use of the time.

(Grumpy much Al??)


Better hold off your farting and spitting for a few minutes and go find that power supply. :laughing:

I just received the IFI Elite PS, and I swear it is doing something to the satellite. Is it better? tomorrow I will know better, I am too tired from golfing today to tell for sure.


So, we have “a lot”, “a little”, and, “not at all”, as it relates to the effects of router power upgrading.
‘Tis the nature of this hobby.


I will try fitting power supplies to my 17 routers tonight.


If you did id be amazed. Since you are a IT type tech wizard extraordinaire

I suspect, after playing, reading, tweaking with this for a while, it’s system dependent as anything else, probably most importantly how your house is wired, and how clean your air is free of EM stuffs(enviornmental). So no one answer for anyone/everyone, try and find out is the only approach.

Also, Hans Beekhuyzen claim in his channel, switch mode PS are better suited for modems and routers, so I put ifi Eiltes on everything and stopped thinking about it.


Power supplies? Pfft. Old news. Different SFP modules and fiber cables is where the fun testing’s at! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: I’m halfway through testing 5 different SFP fiber modules. I had nothing better to do.


IME the elite takes a bit longer than the x to settle.