Your Next Upgrade? (Part 2)

Yup! The sound is improving. I’ll keep IFI Elite. IPower X is going to the storage😀


I also use the iFi Elite on my router with good results…


I know it’s silly, but I use a $1500 power cord on my iFi Elite feeding my Samsung hard drive. All I know is the Elite is considerably better than the regular iFi wall wart. Actually the regular iFi PS is not much different than the stock wall wart. But the Elite is a quite remarkable considering it’s low cost.


I use a Synergistic Blue HC power cord on my iFi Elite. It was just the best sounding cable I had around, I haven’t really compared beyond that…


That sounds like a perfect way to do it for an audiophile. I found a modified old Purist Colossus cord (Furutech plugs w/ vmax’s golden sleeves) to replace the stock cord came with Elite. Darn! that made an equal improvement as the Elite. This is the way!


My router uses a 6amp LPS supplying 12v DC and the common ground cable whisper elite cable and hollow tube silver sluggo in place of the M-1 fuse. It is most realistic natural sound i ever got from my system.


Think of the excitement of adding an insanely expensive power cord to the equation!

Service Note: Network Acoustics is developing a hybrid power supply specifically designed for routers. On the model of what has already been created to power their Tempus switch (which should finally arrive here for testing next week)

This new PSU combines linear power supply (clean stable and noise free) with switched mode supply (better dynamics) in an acrylic chassis of the same material as the Muon Pro. I was told that within next summer I might receive a beta unit to be tested.


Hi Luca,

Which one first?

I tried this as DIY project.
230Vac ==> SMPS (15Vdc) ==> LPS (5Vdc) ==> DUT (switch)
It works as a charm.

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Encouraging information on the Muon router power supply project and your forthcoming Tempus review. Everything matters (even in digital) it seems. The downside of a resolving system is the incremental investment required to ring out even more of what lies in the stream. I thought I had it covered with a resolving DAC. Now we look to what comes before it. It never ends.


I’m not sure to understand your question!

here you can find more infos about the current power supply of the Tempus switch (the new one designed to power routers should be similar):


Thanks, I’ll do. And couldn’t agree more with your comments.


Shindo is coming to our local hi-fi shop. I would think next improvement / upgrade could be the pre-amp. Look forward to seeing the legendary Shindo soon;

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That’s the assumption we all make. :cry:


Sorry if i missed it somewhere @luca.pelliccioli but are you using the Muon Pro already?

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Yes, Paul. But in an unconventional way.

  1. Upstream, from the router to the switch - short fixed cable plugged into the switch
  2. Without the Muon Pro cable, just the filter.

My current PhoenixNET switch works at 100 Mbps, Muon Pro and Tempus switch should better match themselves using both a 1Gbps environment.

It means that what I mentioned above could be different adding the Tempus to the equation.


I look forward to your findings!

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Question for the seasoned vinyl heads here,

Hypothetically, if one were to spend some $$$ for a phone pre to get really meaningful gains that beats a Mcintosh C2700’s build-in pre, how much $$$ are we talking about?

Any contenders that’s less than the 6k ballpark?

MC? MM? Both? Tube? SS? There are some good phono pres for $6K or less. My Pass XP-17 comes to mind. :smiley: The new MoFi is supposed to be pretty nice and has two inputs. The Parasound JC3+. Allnic and ModWright are supposed to have nice tube pres. As to whether (or how much) any of these is better than what’s in the Mac, anybody’s guess. Some of it depends perhaps on the cart/arm combination being used.


MC and MM, Tubed since I suspect it’s one of main factor I’m itching for a upgrade. But sounds like in that price range it’s a toss… guess I’ll keep kicking the can :stuck_out_tongue:

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Actually, the PS Audio Stellar Phono Preamp is quite, quite good.