AC-12 power cord

I have had two PS Audio AC-12 power cords since 2009. These two cables are identical in the following ways: the width of the cable, the outer material, the connectors and the labeling. They are different in that the barrel of one of the cables is shorter than the other cable. I read today on an old audiogon forum thread, that a shorter barrel on the AC-12 was an indication that the cable was fake. My question is was the AC-12 being made in 2009-10 with both a short and long barrel, or do I indeed have a fake cable. If this is a fake cable, what exactly might it be since everything other than than the barrel is identical to the cable with the longer barrel-thanks

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You might try throwing a pic of both cables on the forum so that someone “in the know” could comment.

Here are pictures that shows that the barrel of one of the cables is longer than the other at both termination points. Both of the cables seem identical otherwise. Let me know if you have any questions about these cables

If they are both supposed to be AC12 then the short one’s a fake.

Thanks Paul for your response


I just bought a used 2 meter AC-12 with box and some demo Jewel C7 power cords from Music Direct. The barrel (strain relief) on the AC-12 matches the shorter one in the photo posted above. The graphics and text on both boxes are identical, with the AC-12 box being a little yellowed, with a bar code of 8 10283 01135 4. The clear inner packing looks the same for how the cables are packed. Both boxes say Made in China. I have no idea how old the AC-12 is.

Music Direct has two pics of the AC-12. One with the longer strain relief and one with the shorter strain relief (attached). Did PS Audio ever make this power cord with the shorter strain relief, or did I get a fake as well?

I got the AC-12 for $400 compared to $1199 for a new one. Do you know what the difference is between the fakes and originals? Different conductor shape and sizes? Lower grade copper? Thanks.

If you bought it from Music Direct it is not a fake. The differences are nearly 100% in construction. The fakes use very poor copper, their geometry is more like a heavy gauge stock power cord with no attention paid to the complex geometry and conductor work we do. They are not even close.


I see two possibly conflicting responses from you. One saying:

“If they are both supposed to be AC12 then the short one’s a fake.”

And the other one saying:

“If you bought it from Music Direct it is not a fake.”, although it is an AC12, and it is a short one, just like in the picture you called fake.

Your authorized distributors accept returns. How do they ensure that the returned cables are the originals if there is no serial number on the cable, and the fake ones look exactly the same? So far the only visual difference I’ve read about is the shorter barrel (strain relief), and from what I read above it sounds to me like Music Direct has possibly accepted a fake cable as return.

The only reason I am spending my time to post here is because I am considering buying a demo/refurbished AC12 from Music Direct for my PS Audio P10 Power Plant. I will ask them the same questions but since you are confident that “If you bought it from Music Direct it is not a fake.”, I was wondering if you can comment on the processes in place to ensure your authorized dealers and specifically Music Direct don’t sell fake demo/refurbished cables.

Thank you!

Allow me to clarify. My AC-12 power cord (the fake with the short barrel) was purchased used on Audiogon, and the seller did not realize that it was a fake. Only the Jewel C7 power cords were purchased from Music Direct.

BTW: Music Direct has been selling the AC-12 for half price.

On MD the AC-12 1.5m is showing half price, 2m length still showing full price.

I’m sorry if I am piggybacking on an AC-12 thread, but I was wondering if anyone else has had problems with PS Audio Micro Lab cable not gripping the iec socket very well?

I blew a fuse on my amp last night when I heard the transformer buzzing and checked the connection, it was loose and as I moved it, I got a spark and a blown fuse. Luckily after locating a 5x20mm 250v 10a slow blow fuse, the amp is ok. I went back to the stock cable which fits snuggly in the socket. It seems like the contacts are deeper in on PS Audio cable.

I prefer using the MicroLab as it is 12g, while the stock cable is 14g and twice as long as the 1m aftermarket cable.

I has considered cutting some of the plastic part of the plug off, but if it didn’t work, I would have to reterminate the cable.

vassils said Paul,

I see two possibly conflicting responses from you. One saying:

“If they are both supposed to be AC12 then the short one’s a fake.”

And the other one saying:

“If you bought it from Music Direct it is not a fake.”, although it is an AC12, and it is a short one, just like in the picture you called fake.

Your authorized distributors accept returns. How do they ensure that the returned cables are the originals if there is no serial number on the cable, and the fake ones look exactly the same? So far the only visual difference I’ve read about is the shorter barrel (strain relief), and from what I read above it sounds to me like Music Direct has possibly accepted a fake cable as return.

The only reason I am spending my time to post here is because I am considering buying a demo/refurbished AC12 from Music Direct for my PS Audio P10 Power Plant. I will ask them the same questions but since you are confident that “If you bought it from Music Direct it is not a fake.”, I was wondering if you can comment on the processes in place to ensure your authorized dealers and specifically Music Direct don’t sell fake demo/refurbished cables.

Thank you!

The simplest answer is Music Direct buys everything PS Audio they sell directly from us - and we know what’s real. Also, Music Direct is a trusted partner. The Chinese knockoffs have gotten more sophisticated, copying the outside looks perfectly - it’s the insides they pay no never mind to - and the insides are the whole point of the cable.

Thank you for the prompt answer, Paul.

brodricj said On MD the AC-12 1.5m is showing half price, 2m length still showing full price.
Actually, it is even more confusing than that. They are currently showing the following:
  1. Full price 2m [$1200]:

  2. Half-price 1.5m new [claiming retail of $1000]: [same link; just different menu selection]

  3. Even less [slightly] refurbed 1.5m [but claiming retail of $1200]:

This hodgepodge reflects confusingly on MD [which obviously can sell its refurbs for whatever it wants], and it does lend to confusion for the honest end user. Why on earth would one buy a refurb for 480 if brand new is available for 499 assuming the latter is legit?

You are correct; very confusing.

I am still tempted to get the AC-12 here. I loves me my PS Audio power products; I just ordered another P5 today for my primary headphone listening station. And while I am not here to hawk competitive products, I will say that I have been very impressed and pleased with the graphene cables I have sourced from Cerious Technologies. I have done no head-to-head comparisons; I can only say that I am quite pleased with them.

Paul, I’m hoping you are going to get back to this thread and clear it up because I just bought a high price cable from MusicDirect and was considering the AC-12 too until I read this thread. This thread makes me worry about buying PS Audio cable and it makes me worry about buying from MD. As shown above there are inconsistencies in price and appearance. Now I can’t even find AC-12 for sale on MD. Perhaps these issues relate to why Music Direct isn’t selling AC-12 right now. Which still adds to my confusion.

MD are an authorised PS Audio on-line dealer: you can buy new AC power cables from an authorised dealer with confidence. Where issues might arise is with their return policy, they are open to any unscrupulous customer swapping a genuine cable bought from them and returning a fake acquired outside the authorised distribution channel. Unscrupulous customer might have to wear a re-stocking fee, but they end up with a cheap genuine cable. And somebody else is at risk of getting their fake.

I’d be surprised if MD warehouse inspection of returned item is sufficiently vigilant to pick a fake AC-12. I have bought AQ cables from them before that have supposedly been through their return inspection process and I’d be very surprised if they were even looked at.

Short story is, buy a brand new cable.

Brodric is correct. The cables at MD are totally legit.

The AC12 seems to have disappeared from their mobile site.