Airlens Update! - 3.0.0

Hey all!

We have just released the latest Firmware and Streaming module update for the Airlens.

This update addresses issues with streaming directly from Connect apps and adds a new form of volume control (SConnect) with the DSDMK2. (Requires an A to A USB Cable)

You can update both the firmware and the Streaming module over the air! If you would rather update via USB, you can grab the files here:
FYI, the Streaming Module must be updated via OTA.

Video instructions on how to update:

Also, all the release notes are located in the ZIP file!


Care to share brief OTA update instructions…?

There are ‘Over the air’ update instructions in the instructions in the download zip file but I am not feeling brave right now. Will just let Mount Blue Sky burn in for a bit until I try the AirLens.

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I’m putting together a video right now on how to do both. Standby!


Some questions:

  1. Can mConnect users update the streamer firmware via the mConnect menu?

  2. To use the Sconnect feature, the release notes talk about needing a “special“ USB cable that can be obtained from PS audio. What exactly is special about this – a USB-A to USB-A cable that we might have lying around doesn’t work?

  3. The AirLens has only one USB port, the one labeled for firmware updates. I assume that we connect to this port and the corresponding firmware port on the DS DAC? The release notes should be clearer about this.

  4. It would be nice to include a picture of the new Sconnect icon in the release notes so that users could recognize it on their screen.



Yes, it seems that the update via mConnect works.

Note: After updating you need to physically power cycle the airlens to get it to be recognized by your devices.


Great job! Thanks for posting!

Just uploaded some video instructions on how to update!

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That’s the “unofficial” way to do it lol…

I have my team use Mconnect when the OTA fails. Just don’t tell Barry…


What are the actual improvements, and are there sound quality improvements with this upgrade ? How do I know if I successfully upgraded? Thanks

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No sonic changes for the airlens. Just some fixes and adding the SConnect volume control feature.

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It’s much easier than messing around with thumb drives or fiddling with dip switches on the bottom of the unit.

Have you given any consideration to making this the official way to complete the update?

totally agree about the dip switches…guessing I’m not the only one whose placement of the Airlens makes it impossible to lift it up and turn it around like in the video, and also makes it difficult to see the blinking lights…


I hold WPS and get perpetual orange blink….

What’s going on?

to check firmware it is just a press not a hold.

The image.bin file is in that download.

I have the same problem. Just blinking orange after holding the WPS button for 15s.

Did you resolve the issue?


I turned the power off via the back switch for 20s and turned the unit back on.

All seems to be good now, so I put DIP back in the up position and music is playing just fine.


Blinking orange is very frustrating. It was supposed to be fixed on the last update, but it still occurs. I just spent 20 mins messing with it and finally got the green light. Hard to say what actually got the unit to green just glad it’s working again.