Any disadvantage to turning off a PP when not in use?

Is there a warm up period needed for regeneration (affecting performance)?

I have digital stuff on a P3, which I would leave on, but my analog stuff (tubes) is on a P12, which I’m thinking I could turn off when not using. Anything wrong with this plan — electricity is very expensive where I live ($200/month); so, i’m looking to economize.

Hey jhnh…happy cake day …

As far as I know power consumption on either is negligible…
best one to answer this question though is jamesh the PS Audio
“Whiz Kid”

Best wishes

Happy Cake Day!

There is no harm in trying, test it out and see if you hear a difference. My expectation is few of us, if any, would hear a difference.

In any event, a Power Plant must use very little power in standby.

The P12 (according to the manual) uses 35 Watts in standby — not trivial!

As this is of concern to you, try shutting the Power Plant down and listen.


Possibly you will find my approach beneficial. I should add results will vary with specific components. Prior to installing my P15 sources and preamplifiers were energized continuously. The amplifier would be powered up in anticipation of a listening session. The solid state amp would settle in within 60-90 minutes, the tube amp under 60 minutes. Once adding a P15 serious listening sessions are planned with a 2 hour warm up session, typically streaming or FM radio. For a string of listening sessions, say several days running, I leave the sources and preamplifier powered up with the P15. I do hear a difference and recognize the need for my components to come into thermal equilibrium.

I agree with Elk’s suggestion, try various combinations and decide for yourself. I did not get the impression the P15 needs warm-up but that the source and preamplifier do indeed benefit from a warm-up. My impression is based on my pre P15 experience, so there is a bias for warm-up in my recommendation.


I leave everything on except my poweramp.

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I get that your listening sessions may be more extensive than the original poster’s. That’s why I suggested a situational approach.

Where do you live? How much are you being charged per kilowatt hour?

Best wishes

I turn off AVR since I don’t care if it needs to warm up. I also turn off amps. Other than that, the rest stays on. I think my Wife’s terrariums like the heat and the EMI.


I think it’s the music.

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I almost forgot about this other group in the living room:

And then there’s the bog in the kitchen:


BTW - none of which are attached to a PP.


In search of a Gekko or two? I assume the roaches are all gone. Then again maybe not.

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I admire them but don’t get too involved. She has her hobbies, I have mine. I am pretty certain that some of those containers are artisan hand blown glass. Guessing Dragon pricing.


One appears to be a repurposed erlenmeyer to these eyes.

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I like the “bog”.


There’s a much larger one in the backyard filled with carnivorous plants. It’s outside my office window. Some days it’s the best distraction to watch flies try to escape the sticky leaves.


Very cool!

Any fish involved to help fertilize the plants and keep the insect larvae at bay?

[PS, Pitcher Plants of some sort – am I correct?]

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Yes, Pitcher Plants. No fish or dart frogs. I assume that’s any day now.