Belden ICONOCLAST Interconnects and Speaker Cabling

Golly — I had no idea.

Previously ordered 15-foot lengths of delicious BAV not something I should be too concerned about?

They have been running fine for a few months, but there’s nothing like talk of fires to get me thinking.

Fifteen feet is OK. Some try to go across the house or larger rooms! Not too safe. Once over 20’ REALLY ask what you’re doing. Add an outlet properly.



Sorry, I’m a bit confused, isn’t adding an outlet also means running long cable? If this long power cable is properly managed and placed, ie not run across the room or anything that’s a trip hazard, and at the correct awg, well built, why is that more hazardous than adding another outlet?

Exactly, “properly managed and placed” is seldom long term on a portable cordage. And, the AWG is often time too small for the current carried and degrades the wires at the connection points where the power losses are highest. This heats them up and starts fires. The most dangerous appliances in a house have compressors, which pull a lot of current and are natorious to catching fire at the terminals. We replaced many a caught on fire AC unit when I worked in the Purdue Physical plants AC refrigeration unit. Better units use special rubber insulation so the insulation smokes like hell, but won’t ignite as the LOI, Limiting Oxygen Index, is so high that there is never enough oxygen to support combustion.

I’m not a fan of long portable cordage. I stand by twenty feet for longer term use as a limiting factor to question the application. The longer it is the more likely it will get under foot or worse.



Hey, I just noticed Iconoclast is at CAF. Who’s there to represent?

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Hi Tony,

We have Andrew and Jeff. My flight was cancelled and the soonest I could get to DC was Sunday at 2:00!


Hope they get many new folks interested in the Iconoclast line!

No thoughts of doing Florida Show in February? It’s probably not the right venue. That show doesn’t have many stand up exhibitors like CAF or AXPONA. Still, you could maybe get more rooms to partner with your cables.

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Here they are, congrats Icono staff…


I spoke with Bart today, he said they will have a marketplace in 2025 so we might go then

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Jason is a lot of fun. Someone else did a longer interview today for his YouTube channel but I didn’t catch the name of it. I remember building his cables though. If anyone sees it please let me know.

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Great to hear! I know we’ve been talking about how to expand the show in coming years. I’m in the Suncoast Audio Society. :grinning:

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Tony, please get in touch with me to discuss the possibility of Galen doing a presentation to the Suncoast Audiophile Society. We have done this both in person and with online Zoom presentations. His presentations are always well received, informative and enjoyable. It is amazing to me that Galen can capture the attention and hold the interest of audiophiles for 1-2 hours talking about wires! My wife thinks we are all nuts😳

Hi Lucca, thank you for posting this!!

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Here is a link showing our association with Rich Pinto at Treehaus Audiolab at the CAF show. In addition to the outboard cabling, his new flagship speakers are wired with Iconoclast Series I SPTPC cable. (I can’t say internally since they are a diapole open baffle design.) I understand they sound wonderful.

Rich is a master of presentation!

I got to babysit the Treehaus room for a bit, it was exceptional this year. The tweaks on the system and the diffuser Rich built made a huge improvement.

Hi Galen and Bob, I hope you all had a happy Thanksgiving!

I switched the DAC and Pre in my rack so I can place a Puritan power conditioner on top of the DS MK2 at the lower level. I have a one meter pair of your UPOCC4x4 XLR between the two. With its hard shell it was not very easy to bend it in the reversed direction. It was not a sharp bend but I thought I should ask.

I remember I was asked about the component location in the rack, and the cable was ordered based on my previous layout. If it were other cables there would be no issue. But with your cable will this degrade the sound or even damage the cable (I can switch back if it is not too late)?

Hi Donald, if needed the Puritan can work also in vertical position to save space, like this

I’m using it in that way with IsoAcoustics on the floor not with Freestanding Mounting (following the dealer suggestion).

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That is a neat idea. I was not too crazy about putting the power conditioner on the top of MK2.

It probably needs at least 100 hours of break in like anything else, but like you said the initial impression will determine how will my system like it for future. It should arrive next week sometime.


Standing on it’s end here too without mounting kit.



The FEP used in ICONOCLAST has a cold set property. The longer it sits in an orientation, Teflon tends to bias to that position. It will re-bias over time but…this isn’t kinking the air tubes. This is why we recommend the 5 foot standard length to give ample room along the cable to distribute twisting stress. The cable is like a long torsion bar, the longer the bar, the lower the spring rate.

XLR, of course, have a polarity orientation. You need to twist the cable 0 degree - 180 degree depending on a straight through or a loop back. That can’t be helped. It all depends on the situation but one end will need to be potentially “twisted” on an XLR unless the connector is re-oriented. That’s the performance tradeoff with FEP. An RCA has no orientation and this doesn’t apply with FEP dielectric.
