Bit Perfect.... Or Not?

I’m using a Sonore Signature Series Rendu. Supposedly the limit is DSD128 via DSF or DFF files sent to it via UPnP. It will even do native DSD via the I2S output as long as you don’t send send it via DoP. However I currently have an issue where only DSF/DFF files sent as DoP work and only up to DSD64. Oddly enough, when I try and send DSD128 files via DoP it ends up working but the Direcsttream is reporting that what it’s receiving is only DoP DSD64. I cannot get DSD native or anything higher than DoP DSD64 through the Sonore SSR. My current theory is that my router is the reason why I’m having an issue. It’s limited to 100 megabit throughput not a gigabit. I’m thinking that maybe my router can’t stream these large DSD files fast enough. I purchased a gigabit router and it should be here tomorrow to test out.