Bridge II update?

Bridge 2 is ok, not really close to Aries G2 though.

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I agree - I had a G2, and it sounded excellent - considerably better than the Bridge. I couldn’t get next to their app though, so I sent it back.

Any news PS Audio?

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Hello PS Audio…

QA Testing take long time :blush:

Hi! We are still testing the update. You can reach out to us if you’d like to participate. Send an email to

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I have a burst of distorted static when an MQA Tidal track starts on my DSD and Bridge II. It really only happens once initially during a listening session. I will email for the beta version.


Just sent an email to them.


Another DSD Sr. user here impacted by this burst of static noise when switching sample rates. @Paul when will this issue be resolved?

I’ve had this happen a few times at low/moderate volume. Can anyone comment on likelihood of damaging drivers? I have Wilsons with resistors protecting the drivers, but still don’t like what I hear.

I’ve learned to hit mute on the DSD remote before changing songs requiring bit rate change. Frankly, quite unacceptable for gear at this level…


Still going to have that Bridge update any day now? I heard that six months ago!

you can email support and ask to participate in the testing of the new FW.

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Yes, please shoot TJ an email. He’ll be able to get you the firmware. (If you have a Windows machine, it’s a lot easier)

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Now this is becoming ridiculous…week after week, month after months.
Why we, customers should email & ask for something should be provided to all of us?
When PSA will understand it is not only one or two owners having this long overdue issue?
Only maybe people who does not use Bridge II are not aware.

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I have the issue too, @MariusP. In my case I use the Bridge 2 a bit less and the DMP a bit more. If I use the Bridge 2 and keep the playing session to tracks of all the same res I’m okay.

@MariusP, I guess this is just still testing stage and the period is extended to some power users to ensure the quality of the update hasn’t have any other issues before public distribution. As it has been delayed so long, they wanted to just make sure it works this time.

Why don’t you participate in this pre distribution test?

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When the beta users find bugs it takes time to retrace and fix them…better fix them and wait than push out a still buggy SW.


@sangwoohahn @MariusP

Might be Marius doesn’t want to be a beta tester. Beta software is not a solution. It’s a possible path to a solution. I’ve beta tested a few things including software. Sometimes you just don’t have the time to beta the software correctly. I ended up getting rid of my Bridge ii. Prior to selling it, I had to roll back the software to an earlier version, and limited to using it with flac files which generally resolved my issues. Third party software is a big part of the problem, and PS Audio, to their credit is doing their best to work through it.

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netspecht-2 you hit the nail.
I just don’t feel comfortable do beta testing. Also don’t have Windows computer.
And also have the feeling beta testing should have started long time ago. This is an old known problem.

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Thanks, I will!

I know the issue has been there forever. That is another separate thing.

I am just saying if you have any desire to see the update now you can ask for it. If not forget about it. Just wait until they make it public. I don’t see any problem with taking more time to ensure the quality and that portion of the process happens to be open to the community users here in this forum which I like it. It could give more opportunity to test in various environments.