DirectStream Junior Torreys released

Head to the downloads page for the latest update for DirectStream Junior.

Torreys, voiced properly and adding a major upgrade to sound quality, Torreys has been released and all DSJ owners should upgrade immediately.

Do remember to download the ZIP file. Then, unzip the file and place the contents of the folder (not the folder itself) onto a USB memory stick and place it in the back of the DirectStream Junior. Then power cycle the DAC with the rear panel power switch.

Once installed, DSJ is now Roon ready with a Bridge update.

I will post a How To update Bridge II for all three DACs that use it later today.

As promised, here’s the Bridge II Update instructions:

Bridge II How To

I tried to load Torreys several times and it will not load. The beta version would load but not this one. Anyone else having problems?



trouble1555 said I tried to load Torreys several times and it will not load. The beta version would load but not this one. Anyone else having problems?



I cannot get it to load either.

Can Dennis send a forced load?

DS jr Force load code can be found here.


Thank you, thank you, thank you, Dennis!

The forced install worked on the first try.

And after two Simon and Garfunkel songs, it sounds great. It is voiced to my liking and the little brightness of the beta version is gone.

On to more listening!

After listening to this for a few hours, I think you nailed this upgrade. It is a keeper.

Great job PS Audio!

The only problem is trying to improve upon this. But, I bet that Ted already has some ideas floating around in his head.

This forum is awfully quiet. Is everyone busy listening?

It is quiet. I suppose I should let more people know.


I have always used the coax “IN” via the Audiophilleo2 USB to coax converter, to get the best sound. Much better than USB was. I say “was” because it was until Torreys final came along. Whatever you did to the the USB input, is amazing. Huge sound stage, blows the coax input out of the water now. I have never heard USB sound so good before. With Dirac, it’s now better than using the Bridge with Roon, without Dirac. And, this is with Roon which I wasn’t to impressed with before, but I am now! By the way, this is with the DS Jr.

I confirm that the standard update did not work for me either, but the zip file provided by Dennis proved successful. I did not install any Torreys beta versions, but upgraded directly from Yale. The 4GB USB stick was freshly formatted FAT with MBR partition table rather than GUID. The following Bridge II update was also successful, and roon can now see my DSJ.

I have already noticed one operational quirk worth mentioning. When I play a DSD file now through roon on the Bridge II input, the DSJ display correctly reports DSD64 1bit. However, when playback is paused, the display switches to PCM 24 bit 176.4 kHz. Upon resuming playback, the display correctly shows DSD again. This doesn’t seem to affect performance, but was a bit confusing since I initially noticed the display when paused, and thought I had misconfigured something in roon that was converting DSD to PCM. When using the USB input (also controlled by roon), the display reports DSD64 regardless of whether the track is playing or paused.

I also like that the DSJ shows the album and track name when a new track begins, but wish there was an option to make this persistent. That is generally more relevant information to me than continuing to display only the bit depth and sample rate.

JimC said I have already noticed one operational quirk worth mentioning. When I play a DSD file now through roon on the Bridge II input, the DSJ display correctly reports DSD64 1bit. However, when playback is paused, the display switches to PCM 24 bit 176.4 kHz. Upon resuming playback, the display correctly shows DSD again. This doesn't seem to affect performance, but was a bit confusing since I initially noticed the display when paused, and thought I had misconfigured something in roon that was converting DSD to PCM. When using the USB input (also controlled by roon), the display reports DSD64 regardless of whether the track is playing or paused.
The DS is displaying what it's receiving. The source isn't sending DSD 0's when paused (it is probably sending PCM 0's.) Still I'll think about having the FPGA lie to the UI in a future release in this exact circumstance :)

I also could not get the update to initiate without the forced code. Once upgraded I now get significant static like really bad AM radio overlaying the music. Ideas? I am still working with the USB input and will get to the Roon implementation once I get this part solved.

Thanks! Eric

Scratch that, it is static on the left channel and OK on the right.

OK…Nothing like a reboot to fix things!

On to the roon part.

Roon is working perfectly via the Bridge II update and PSjr with Torrey’s. I am playing 24/192 AIFF from my ancient D-Link NAS through the houses CAT-6 to the Apple Airport Extreme to the Jr.


I updated to the final Torreys without any problems. The bridge was also updated to the “roon ready” version (2.7.11, I believe). Today I have started testing the new updates and discovered some issues when paying to the bridge.

  1. When changing the volume on PSJ using the remote control the unit pauses the play. Pressing the volume key again it will resume the play. This is consistent and happens every time regardless if the volume increases or decreases. For example, if starting from volume position 20, 21 will pause, 22 will resume playing etc. The same happens if the volume goes to 19 (pause) and 18 (resumes).

  2. Using the volume knob on the device is OK. e.g. works as supposed to.

  3. Playing to the USB is fine.

I use PSJ as a preamp to the BHK250 and this problem is very annoying. Also, I use JRiver21 and JRemote but have tried with Foobar2000 - the same problem. Changing the volume thru jremote exhibits the same behavior. Several reboots of the DSJ, the PC etc. did not help.

I had the beta version of Torreys and everything was good in this department. That’s why I am assuming that the bridge is the culprit. How can we go back to the previous version of the bridge, please? Any force downgrade? I am not “roon ready” and am happy to go back to the previous version as long as I have this basic functionality working again.

Regards, don

The previous version of the bridge firmware has been restored, thanks to Dennis, and it is back to normal. Everything works as supposed to. Now I can start listening to Torreys.

Regards, don

Paul McGowan said As promised, here's the Bridge II Update instructions:

Bridge II How To

The instructions for the Bridge update should include a warning to have the power amps OFF during the update process. Reason being, at the end of the Bridge II update the DAC outputs a loud “pop” that just about launched my speakers into low Earth orbit.

JimC said I confirm that the standard update did not work for me either...
Didn't work for me either.

DSjrforce works.

Once Torreys is loaded, when attempting BridgeII update, my DSJ is reporting no bridge update available. Is this expected behaviour?

I note that the mute bug that was in Yale has been fixed in Torreys. Sort-of. I was expecting VOL+ or VOL- would cancel the mute, but it doesn’t. The only way to un-mute is to toggle the mute button again.