Buchardt S 400 meets Sprout100 at the Copenhagen High End Show

We have had good experiences with PS audio equipment on Soundsociety 2017, where our latest Speaker game was completely fantasy with Stellar Gain Cell Preamplifier / Stellar S300 Stereo Amplifier. I personally have borrowed a Sprout100 from PS Audio’s Danish importer, so I can listen to the new Sprout 100 with our S 400 speaker. After the fair I will just update you about how they have played together. Many thanks to the Danish impeller( High-Performance Audio) of PS audio for always being willing to lend equipment. Thanks to PS audio USA for the world’s best support. Thanks to Paul for always being sweet and helpful. I hope I can get your new book signed. I hope that you will at some time visit the fair in Aarhus or Copenhagen.

Copenhagen High End Show 27/28 October
Come and visit the fair in Copenhagen - Hope to see you. I’m not the big photographer, but I’m sure I’ll put some photos from the entire HIFI fair.

S 400 Front

S 400 Back

Soundsociety 2017
Buchardt audio S 400 - Stellar Gain Cell Preamplifier / Stellar S300 Stereo Amplifier.

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