Burning In New Power Regenerators

Practicalities do get in the way sometimes. :frowning:

My guess however is your P3 is making good progress towards reaching maximum musical goodness.

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Try placing your speakers slightly closer to the wall, 2-3" should do. Alternatively, or in addition bring them closer to one another just a couple inches.

The regen could very well have cleaned up the bass so that it sounds a bit lean when its all there just less congested and full sounding. These slight speaker adjustments can help reinforce without the congestion.


Thanks, guys!
@Elk, I think you are right!
I just ran tracks 7 and 8 from this CD: Reference Recordings-XLO Test Burn-In CD-HDCD CD|Acoustic Sounds
Track 7 is an ascending frequency sweep and track 8 is a descending frequency sweep.
This evened out the tonality and smoothed out the rough edges. The bass is still less than I am used to, but as @brett66 wisely suggested, the P3 could have cleaned up the bass and I may need to move my speakers a bit closer to the wall behind them,.
Thing is, I have been enjoying some modern mastered (compressed) CDs over the last few days that I previously could not enjoy because the energy/bass would be too much for my system/room. Now, they sound a LOT better. I sampled some Radiohead (Kid A) and Tool (Fear Inoculum) today and it sounds so much better than before. And I was not expecting this benefit from the P3 either, so this is a wonderful surprise!


Excellent and exciting report!

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George it seems that burn in is indeed progressing…that is good.

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You are absolutely right!! Thanks so much for the suggestion. I tried moving in 3" but that gave Me Too Much bass and now to 2" and sounding a lot better with a lot of that base that was missing returning. Thanks again will keep an eye on this in CF this will be the final position for my speakers

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Glad that experimenting with speaker positioning (which I mentioned above) has proved fruitful!

I think you’ll be keeping that P3. :slight_smile:

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Hi Lonson,

Yes, it is good to know that speaker positioning might be something to address when burn in is finished. Thanks for mentioning that. In your case, did you need to pull the speakers further from the wall behind them or move them a few inches closer?

This morning, my system sounded a bit too bassy and too constricted, so I moved the speakers back to my original position and tried a few recordings I am familiar with. The sound is now better than ever, with great focus and overall the tonality is rich and warm. Incredibly musical, nothing harsh. I wonder if yesterday might have just been the final (or one of the final) bumps in the road to burn in.

I wish I could listen all day and night, as I have work off today and tomorrow, but my girlfriend is working from home both days. It really sucks, but at least we both have jobs. I’ll have all day Wednesday to listen.

Anyone know when the 30 day clock starts for returns? Is it the day you receive your Power Plant? Mine was delivered on December 26th, so 30 days would be January 25th, a week from tomorrow.


Good to hear of your success with your new P3.

Given “[t]he sound is now better than ever,” why would you consider returning it?

Hi Elk,

I haven’t made any decisions either way, I just want to be sure what my options are.

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I answered your speaker move question above:

I learnt from this video.

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Sorry, Lonson.

I see now from reading upwards that you were saying yes to needing to pull your speakers off the wall a few inches. This is very helpful information to me, so I wanted to be clear.

This forum doesn’t include a copy of the post being replied to, hence my confusion. I see now that if I click on the name of the person replied to I can see a copy of the post being replied to. Again, I am sorry, hope you are having a great day!

Thanks Serhan,

Unfortunately, I have a number of restrictions, as I live in a studio apartment with girlfriend. When I moved in, an audio engineer friend of mine helped me maximize the sound quality potential by advising me on speaker placement. As I posted above, I am back to that placement and it sounded quite good this morning. I wish it hadn’t taken three weeks to get there, but good things come to those who wait, right?

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No problem. I just remembered I had answered this is all.

I shift my speakers on occasion when I make a change such as when a component breaks in, or when I change a tube complement that significantly alters the sonic signature, or as I did recently with new speaker cables.

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Hi @George_P
All good. We all started somewhere. Glad you managed to optimize it for your space. At some point I needed to use foam bungs to control bass as pulling speakers away from the front wall was not an option.

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Hi Serhan,

Yes, my speakers came with foam bungs. They have removable centers, so I can control the bass a bit more. Luckily, I was able to bargain with my better half to have them a few feet from the wall behind them so that I don’t need the bungs. With the bungs, even with them hollowed out, I feel the bass drops off far too much for me.

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At some point I considered sealed (acoustic suspension) type active speakers with room correction DSP.

Checking your video above, I see they recommend 1/5 the distance of the depth of the room as a starting point for speakers. In my room, that would be 31.2" from the wall behind them. I just checked mine and my speakers are set at 32"! :sunglasses:

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:+1:t2: what a coincidence! Edit: I take that back. It is no coincidence. Your judgment was great.

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