A wise old woman who looked much younger than she was once told me. For a fulfilling, long and healthy life one thing is important. You should also be content with what you have, enjoying it and not constantly staring at someone else’s plate. Envy, dissatisfaction, and desire can prevent us from being comfortable with ourselves in order to be happy. And being in balance with yourself would be key. Unfortunately, I don’t think about it often. For a brief moment you feel good about having achieved something and then the next goal is fixed. Every day we should think about what we have achieved and who or what makes us happy.
That was just beautiful! @aangen will want to adopt her as a sister!
I need to get off of PC right after I woke up on a Sunday morning. Time to hit the driving range! Thanks for so many wise posts this morning. Bye!
I am watching the 2023 Open Championship.
on strike here after the Saudi deal
So many variables, so little time. I have enjoyed your analysis on how room and component changes have gotten you closer to that elusive perfect sound and image. I would add that even after all the room adjustments and speaker moving, changing a component or accessory can change the image just as much. I’m just saying that the room setup and component choices are unavoidably intertwined and you can’t solve one without affecting the other. I’ve found that what I thought were room problems were often characteristics of the gear. As the toys got better, so did the image and sound, and with less room conditioning. At present, my room has symmetry like your own and a lot of diffusion, but little absorption.
Every system and room is different and it’s all a moving target, sound and image.
Great point of view, impeccable observation.
Just up the road from us (like, ten miles) - it’s a bit rainy around here!
I read the review of your beautiful speakers.
The tester used an Inakustik speaker cable that I also had.
I found the cable to be quite fast, taut and with a tendency to cool.The bass was very dry, similar to PA speakers.
The one I later sold it to felt the same and said it was too strenuous. (More aggressive and sterile than the master.)
But the tester said that this cable fits the speakers.
From the sound description with soft, rounded highs and the other attributes, I can imagine that the SR Master fits perfectly.
With loudspeakers that already generate too much energy in the treble, it could be a bit too much.
I don’t know his Vmax and with the amount of domes that may still convey the sound of the 90’s with the high-frequency energy of a Canton or metal domes, it could get harsh.
And I’m using AQ Wiliam Tell SILVER zero+bass combo, without treble’s harshness or edginess.
The speaker cable is also very good. Detailed but not harsh. Most believe silver sounds sharp. Copper cables usually have a grainier sound in the treble. This goes well with the speakers and the master.
Try We Capture the Feeling: Audio Set-Up CD from Qobuz by Siltech (the cable company. If you download the PDF, it show where the instruments/voice should be place in the imaging. This is a great speaker set-up tool. I can’t exactly get everything perfect, but close enough depending on the room acoustics and speaker position. Let us know how it sounds on your system. This is really the best way to compare your set-up to the reference recording that shows the artist’s original intent. It will be fun to find out where everyone’s system falls.
Thanks, as soon as I’m back home I’ll give it a try for sure. Now a little bit of vacation (@vkennedy61: Sardinia here we come!)
My domes are fabric. It characteristics include:
“The fabric of the dome and surround has a black colored coating to seal the interstices of the material. A second custom coating under the dome was made only for McIntosh. This completely damps out the fundamental resonance.”
They are atypical of the period. No harshness’s no ferro fluid and 0.3 percent distortion when speaker is driven to 240 watts in the line array configuration. Distortion ten times lower with normal reference level. As much as you would like to think. It hangs very well with modern sound low distortion tweeters. The iso accoustic gaia titan footers really took it to another level as well as using Iconoclast SPTPC biwired. To addres Velocity propagation and phase issue. The cabinets are angled so it is easy to time align the driver arrays by measuring to sweetspot. I am not playing with old antique sound. They are big, yes. But they disappear and cancel floor and ceiling reflections. Try that with a point source snd don’t pring subwoofer integration issues to overcome.
The line arrays help point out master fuse limits. Perhaps it, Master will improve more in another 200 hours. I will slide it to Digital side power hoping it shows some merit if it can’t handle fully powering a system as it does poorly now .
I know you wish to point to my system but it works fine with M-1 fuse. That fuse was designed to just address noise not tilt other systems and other fuse short falls in frequency distortion. I never felt desire to shield my ears with Miles Davis as the master does. Nor it doesn’t change guitar tonality like master. M-1 makes a bell ring like a bell capturing recording space reverb and undertones. the master is leaving information in theses areas.
Enjoy! I wish we were joining you. I could use a few new wonderful memories.
I don’t want to badmouth any system. I’m just interested in how the different results come about. Yesterday I read Luca’s test of his loudspeakers regarding the increase in sound through the Master and compared them with my system. Since both systems have resolution with a gentle treble. The Master helps my system to have more energy and power. The dynamics and energy are even more effective when used in my Edge nq than in the power plant. Through their experience, I think that one master in my system is sufficient and a second one could also tilt the sound in my case. Their system has many tweaks they made along with the M1. Maybe I should try an M1 soon. But I like what I’m hearing right now.
The energy picked up on mine and the frequency response curve difference between the master and M-1 became much closer after 100 hours. Luca’s fuse was ran on a cable cooker.
I can’t explain why yours wasn’t burn in and did not have FR differences that you could hear fresh out of box. Maybe fuse element size difference since your fuses are smaller in EU due to higher voltage. At this point Master still has imaging differences for me that are detrimental and flat presentation though wide and tall. Depth and space seem congested
I also bought my masters in the Netherlands. The sales price is there at the wholesale trade above the list price. Possibly the fuses are already pre-cooked. The delivery took place about 10 days later, although the fuses were in stock. The differences weren’t too big. It sounded very dynamic from the beginning with a wide stage and noticeable to the purple with a better height of the stage. Purple, on the other hand, sounded flat. Micro details are much more pronounced than with the Purple. In the first 50 hours it sounded minimally compressed in contrast to a longer break-in period. Between 100 and 150 hours it sounded slightly harsh in the high tones and overemphasized the sibilants. The sound then softened again and the separation and air continued to increase. In my Edge nq the preamp, DAC and streamer it is even more dynamic in contrast to the power plant. The stage a little narrower, but a little deeper. The separation even more pronounced. It seems to me that everything has gotten even louder. My actual volume control is now partly too loud for me and I have to turn it down.
Hey Stier,
Found your SR Master burn in interesting. Mine was outstanding right from
the get go.
However with play time accumulating there were incremental improvements,
Particularly the subtle small details got increasingly better.
My experience is with using the SR Master in my P15 power plant
Perhaps my SR Master was burned in by SR beforehand…much much
better than the Purple prior to burn in…even after the Purple’s burn in
the Master is way way ahead in every aspect.
What is interesting though is the synergy upline from P15 (P15 feeding entire
system) my W4S stage 2 preamp with the Purple and Parasound JC5 amp
with Purple the sq moved up very significantly…
In contrast the AM M1 fuse gives more body but loses air and hf detail
when compared to Purple
It is still gives a very good sq.
Best wishes
As soon as the cat leaves the house, the mice start dancing on the tables.
Sorry Luca, we used your new music room.
I wish you and your family nice holidays.
Greetings Andrew