Piano all over
Cello mid right
Initial trumpet mid left
High Trumpet mid left
Clickers around 2:30 come out of left and right speakers
Voice center & clicks center
How can I fix the clicks coming out of speakers? (or is this what you hear also?)
For me the elements that are further at left/right are from behind the speaker plane, so not feeling like it’s emanating from the speakers themselves.
I’ve got my floorstanding speakers 2.6 meters from the wall behind them, with a little over a metre between speaker and side walls.
My speakers are not symmetrically placed! The left speaker is 8cm further into the room than the right, and is also not toed in a much, 4° vs 8°. When they were identical the stage was weighted to the right (2dB on the Pass Labs balance control centred it) and sounds were a little locked to the speakers.
The addition of a subwoofer got images more watched as well.
However, the specific problem of only high frequency things sticking to the speakers (hi-hats, upper harmonics of flute and electric guitar) was actually solved by the steps I took to reduce RFI/EMI in my system. A CommonGround power cable and various accessories from Akiko Audio. Indeed, if I simply remove those things from my system the depth of stage reduces and things start appearing from the speakers again.
Addressing electrical noise and RFI/EMI was huge fir me.
This is my set up (except there is not a steering wheel typically there)
The speakers are around 7-8Ft apart, and I am unfortunately up against the back wall which is around 8-9 ft from each speaker. I have a large open space behind the right loudspeaker and nothing behind the left one. I also have an open entry to the left without too much reflection due to this.
Did you already look into the suggestions of diffusion and absorption given in ‘the loudspeaker’ as well? Especially at the points of first reflection. Further, lifting cables off the floor can also contribute quite s bit.
I have a large TV in between the speakers so I can diffuse there.
The left side is open. The right side has a window there so I usually draw the blinds down at an angle and hope that his is enough. Cables are hidden under the center entertainment console so I can’t really do much about them.
Appreciate the suggestions though. I recognize that since my setup doubles as a HT system in my living room, I don’t have all of the available options.
I understand your temporary circumstances.
On the other hand, your point was achieving a correct sound stage, if I understand correctly. Please consider a bit of experimenting, just for the sake of satisfying some audiophile understanding.
Perhaps if you just start with positioning a couple of pillows on eye level at the first left and right reflection point. Use a chair, put a pillow against the window, whatever. See what is does, then extend wherever you see fit, minding it’s only temporary. And surprise yourself with its result.
If possible (and I know in many cases it’s not), getting rid of everything between the speakers is a huge improvement. As you said, I’ve been there, done that, in multiple homes with HT stuff between the speakers. It was a revelation when I was finally able to get everything out from between my speakers.