Coronavirus - Munich High End Show 2020 canceled

Dates requested off from work already so I sure hope so!


I’m washing my hands of this entire fiasco.

Early Days here. We’ll need to see how things are this side of the Ponds in a month. Or a week🤷🏻‍♂️

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They must keep Axpona coming…I want to read FR-30 speaker reports!!

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If it doesn’t, maybe we’ll organize something local🤠

I was just looking at them today, and arguing with Darren about the stands🤷🏻‍♂️

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All parts that can be DIY‘ed wouldn’t bother me…this goes as far as a faceplate for equipment. I even retrofitted a whole power amp and an Accuphase CD player :wink:

I loved your IKEA speaker stand double!

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I was just telling Darren that that is my most liked post by far😝

I do get the sense a lot of folks would be bothered by having to replace the stands. At least in theory. But the only cohort that matters is the one composed of those actually willing to spend $20k on PS Audio speakers. The rest of us are just making shiz up.

Back to The Virus. Didn’t mean to distract from the Fun Stuff ; )

Over here we were previously more concerned about a different kind of Chinese Virus…

Gee…thanks badbeef

I’m going to AXPONA and it’s my 1st time attending an Audio show.

Ah…it’ll be fine…I’m not worried…seriously.

I saw my doctor yesterday just for routine stuff, but at the end he specifically asked me what I knew about Coronavirus. As a middle aged heavy smoker, I’m at high risk and have to be extra careful apparently. He advised I cancel a trip to stay with my sister who recently returned from a business trip in the middle east and not see her for 3 weeks.

Then also yesterday, a load of schools in our area were closed, and then a local health center was abruptly evacuated and shut down, with loads of staff in Hasmet suits around the perimeter. They confirmed today that it was due to a Coronavirus outbreak. The weird thing was it was my sister in Australia who found out the local health center was closed as it was on their national news… this is a tiny health center in a tiny little town in the middle of nowhere, certainly not a big hospital or anything.

I didn’t think anything of it until yesterday, but today I’m a little paranoid about it.

For those interested in keeping score with real data from a source that’s not the cheerleading politicians in Washington, here’s a good resource.


An excellent and fascinating presentation.

Thanks, Paul

I’m not telling you not to go - just don’t be surprised if conventions are cancelled if it progresses here as elsewhere. It is the only sane response.

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You’re welcome. There’s a lot of hysteria around and it’s good to keep people in the know with real data from a real source. Why the Washington clown show feels it’s necessary to keep real info from the public is beyond me, but then I guess that’s their MO.


It is early, but this article is somewhat encouraging From the NEJM:

A snippet:

“In concert with recent studies,1,8,12 we found that the clinical characteristics of Covid-19 mimic those of SARS-CoV. Fever and cough were the dominant symptoms and gastrointestinal symptoms were uncommon, which suggests a difference in viral tropism as compared with SARS-CoV, MERS-CoV, and seasonal influenza.22,23 The absence of fever in Covid-19 is more frequent than in SARS-CoV (1%) and MERS-CoV infection (2%),20 so afebrile patients may be missed if the surveillance case definition focuses on fever detection.14 Lymphocytopenia was common and, in some cases, severe, a finding that was consistent with the results of two recent reports.1,12 We found a lower case fatality rate (1.4%) than the rate that was recently reportedly,1,12 probably because of the difference in sample sizes and case inclusion criteria. Our findings were more similar to the national official statistics, which showed a rate of death of 3.2% among 51,857 cases of Covid-19 as of February 16, 2020.11,24 Since patients who were mildly ill and who did not seek medical attention were not included in our study, the case fatality rate in a real-world scenario might be even lower.”


Also great information. Thanks.


Better “safe” than “sorry”…

Always practice universal beer safety precautions.


This freak show kids people for everything they want to accomplish, propagate or hide.