Directstream bridge issue - IP not connected

Hi all. Wondering if anyone has had this issue and know how to resolve it. My DSD dac is connected directly to my router via ethernet. The DSD has the latest firmware and the bridge also has the latest update. I’ve already tried rebooting my router and DSD multiple time. I’ve also tried calling PS Audio a couple of times and left messages but no one answers and I have yet to get a call back.
Any help is greatly appreciated.

Have you tried to disconnect and reconnect the ethernet cable?

Also try a different ethernet cable.

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I just tried a different ethernet cable and rebooted the dsd dac. No change.

Here’s a (maybe) long shot suggestion.

Power down and unplug the DAC. Power down and unplug the router.

Power down EVERTHING else in the digital signal path (switches, etc.)

Wait at least five minutes and then power everything back up in sequence beginning with the router. Make sure the router is fully rebooted and work your way through powering up the equipment, with the the DAC being the last thing you plug in and turn on.

It has been my experience that the “handshake” between various digital components passing along the 1’s and 0’s can be disrupted at one or more points in the chain.

Restarting everything, in order, beginning with the router can restore communications sometimes. (And, it doesn’t hurt to d a little rain-dance and twirl around threes times before rebooting everything. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:)

Good luck.


That did not work either. Thanks for your suggestion.


I presume you’ve not yet heard back from PSA? In the meantime, here’re some other things you might check.

With the cable plugged in and connected to the router, are there any lights showing on the Bridge card’s or router’s ethernet connecters? If not then it’s possible the card is faulty.

If there are any lights on and possibly flashing then the router is communicating with the card. If so then it’s probably an IP address issue.

Do you have the Bridge card’s connection configured with a specific IP address or is it configured to automatically pick up an IP address, that is, set to ‘DHCP’?

If configured with a specific IP address, try setting it to ‘DHCP’ (via the front panel) and then go through the steps scotte1 suggested above.

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