Yes… You don’t know what you are missing until you set them to auto.
Mainly the USB. It’s the most noticeable.
When I loaded Massive I looked through the settings and did this and also turned off the Wifi so I guess I think of it all as a “Massive” upgrade.
I noticed that the balance can be controlled via the remote now, but it’s all in the dart–that is the display does not light up but the balance does change.
We all are used to the touchscreen where we could actually see what we were doing. The displays on the PST and mk2 DAC are very disappointing.
Well. . . after having the PST and the PWD Mk 1 together for some time I enjoy having matching displays (again, I had the DMP before). And. . . I’m not among the disappointed–I get close to the screen and address the settings easily enough, and from about 9’ away in my listening chair I can see what I need to see well enough. (I’m 67 and I still don’t wear glasses, lucky I guess).
I rarely adjust volume from the DAC so it is a minor concern that it does not “illuminate”–I can adjust volume from preamp, ZBIT balanced to single-ended converter or amplifier, the preamp having a remote as well as one gain knob per channel.
Yes. The new screen sucks however the touchscreen wasn’t perfect.
Just chiming in to give a thumbs up to the new screen vs. touch screen on mk1. Yes, toggling is clumsy on it, however I’m seldomly messing with settings so not a bother. I didn’t like big blue touch screen that accumulates fingerprints.
One thing I’d like updated in a future firmware update: make it so the larger number on the display be selectable between volume setting and the bitspeed/depth. I leave the volume fixed at 70, and would prefer to be able to read the bitspeed/depth from my listening chair.
Different strokes for different folks!
It’s wonderful! Not subtle. Thanks for this great tip! I’d be tempted to mod my Mk2 if I were in the USA but I’m across the ditch in Australia…
I urge those of you that don’t change volume via the remote to have a sense of compassion towards those of us who sit fifteen or more feet away from the screen and need to see the volume level as it changes.
Not to be argumentative, but cannot one just listen for the change in volume?
Sorry Elk, but no. I make a record in playlists of the correct volume level of the tracks. That level can range from, say, 64 to 96. Further, I need to adjust the volume for three dacs at the same time (but even if I didn’t need to do that I’d still want to know what level to set a track at before starting play). With a powerful system and about 16db difference between tracks I need to get it about right. There is absolutely no way that I could see the volume level from my sitting position. As I say, I think those that are happy should just keep quiet and recognise that there are lots of us that want a larger volume display (I think the display on a BHK pre is larger than on a DS 2, although neither is as large as on a Mk 1).
Is there room in the mk2 box to include a small pair of binoculars? Sorry, I know that doesn’t help but a bit of humor can sometimes help us smile about first world problems…
Perhaps opera glasses?
So we keep quiet so you can complain louder? I think we are allowed our views here as much as you are. At least you did say “please.”
Ha! My friend uses these to see the settings on his exaSound DAC.
Yours is a remarkable, singlular need.
Am I correct in understanding you change volume with every track of a playlist, often substantially? This sounds exhausting.
No criticism, just curious.
To be fair to the complaint, let’s all remember that before mk2 was released Paul and others assured everyone that volume would be readable from across the room on the display and there was lots of discussion about how they might increase the font size etc., so let’s not forget that it was painted as, “Nah, don’t worry - won’t be an issue”
But in the end, seems like this is the wrong dac for that type of user
I have bought myself four sets of binoculars, it took that long to find some that did a good job. You expect me to keep my ipad on my lap, my long distance glasses on or off, my reading glasses on or off and then put binoculars to my eyes with or without one of the sets of glasses. I have kept saying before the thing ever went into production that I need a decent volume display. Paul said I’d be able to see. Elk presumed the numbers would be the size as they are on a BHK Pre. I’ve seen a Mk 2 and cannot see the numbers from beyond ten feet away. Will you all stop saying that what you have is ok for you so to hell with the others of us that keep saying they need bigger numbers???
I just said that PSA was promising it would be readable. I’m agreeing with you on that
I have several playlists that span many different volume levels (I group them in descending order of recorded volume so as I get through the list I turn the volume up on the dacs (currently three plus a spare but I may move to a four way active system)). This is a very powerful large active system that clearly demonstrates the differences in recorded volume. Maybe lots of you are using the option on a streamer (or iTunes) to make everything the same volume ):-