DSD MK2 Latest Mountaintop update! - Mount Blue Sky!

The background noise is gone :slight_smile: thanks!!!

With MK2, I prefer USB input over I2S actually ( from my previous Summus2 streamer that had both outputs).


Installed mine tonight. Clearly more articulate, and absolute black backgrounds.

My Harbeth 40.2 Anni’s are loving this.


BTW- My Streamer/Network player is connected to my Directstream 2 via Audience Frontrow XLR with very good results. Love Audience …ridiculously quiet cable, and so small and flexible.


I purchased the Blue Sky USB stick from PS Audio, Can anyone tell me if I can use Method 1: Automatic Update and update both the r/w and FPGA ?

And what is the included USB cable for ?

Watch the video and follow the instructions from Aaron Mars. Its very straight forward, and simple.

The cable I believe is for a different device other than the Directstream 2.

Is it in this thread ?

Yes… in this thread post #51


Post 318 is the most concise and straightforward instructions IMHO.

To connect the MKIi to the Airlens for volume control.

I bought the USB drive this time but it’s missing the dsdm2…… the main firmware file, do you know why ?

Finally got around to checking it but the video has been taken down

See the first post in this thread for the video.


The upgrade to Mount Blue Sky is massive (pun intended) !!!


It’s also done wonders for my Airlens…I did the Airlens updates too, but those were not supposed to have sonic benefits…either way a great upgrade all around…


Just did the updates. Very easy thanks to the video go-by. Will give it till this weekend then do some serious listening.

Thank you, PS Audio!

I did something different this time and bought the USB stick, it’s basically plug and play, after powering back up it self installs, only thing left is to confirm the files are correct. No need to watch the video.

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