DSD MK2 Latest Mountaintop update! - Mount Blue Sky!

Hey all!

We just launched our latest update for the DSDMK2. Mount Blue Sky! You can download the update here:

Or purchase the pre loaded USB Stick here:

This update has a ton quality of life upgrades and sounds incredible. You can check out the release notes in the download file PDF.

You can check our video instructions on how to update your unit here: https://youtu.be/pDDeLW_X10k?si=X4xuxgcBWGOEogLo

Also, if using your own thumb drive, you must have it formatted to FAT32. Here’s how you do that:

Here’s a video on what the unzip process should look like: https://youtu.be/X7IAp9Mqazk?si=7I0HxfADcH58qie8



Wrong device in box…should fix the picture.

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Thanks Brian! Yup I’ve got the webteam on it… caught that just a second ago

(It has been fixed)


Woohoo! Well now I won’t get anything else done today. Thanks for the update! Christmas came early!


Thanks, many have been waiting for this FW update. The download was straight forward. For some of you who had trouble downloading, go to “system” menu and use the right button to reach “FW update”. This method works for me better (thanks to waymanchen11).


Updated and running. No issues so far.

From my experiences I know firmware/software releases are never easy. Many thanks to Ted and the whole team!

On to 100 hour burnin!


Piece of cake. Updated and running for an hour. Sounding really good at this early juncture! Many thanks to Ted and Team.


After the update it lists the FGPA as “239-Internal”. I was expecting it to say Blue Sky.

Reads Blue Sky on the screen of my DAC.!

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Dang! I knew something wasn’t right. Even called PS Audio, and was told that theirs says “Internal” as well.

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I tried to order an SD card. . . and “cannot ship to Ohio.” What~!

Oh, it’s never straightforward for some…

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It’s a bug in the latest Blue Sky (you have Blue Sky installed when it says that). All good, just a naming error. All you need to do is update the firmware to the latest and it’ll name it correctly. So, update FPGA and firmware (all in the pachage).


I did it the Old School way using the Image Bin file and cycled power. It now says Blue Sky. Initially I just used the FGPA file and loaded it via the Menu.

Ha! I was typing the same time as Paul!

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I think I may have successfully updated this myself. . . for the first time. Didn’t turn it into a brick as I have in the past.

Sounds a bit different. . . in a good way. . . so far.


I’m looking forward the sonic comparisons with Mt. Massive. I really like Massive and I’ll have to read some real positive reviews before I ever upset the apple cart.

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@rkindel - you can always revert back to Massive! I just found out about Blue Sky before heading to work, so I know what I’ll be doing this evening.


Loaded new firmware, version on screen of DirectStreamDacMK2 reads ,
Firmware 3.2.1
USB 3.02.a91f
I’m still hearing light ticking sound on DSD files.
The track will start off ok then usually as it switches to the next track you hear tick then more ticking from then on.
The sound is great otherwise.
Hope this can be remedied as I have invested heavily into DSD files.
Thank You

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Maybe “won’t ship to Ohio” was just a bit of tough love. :grinning: