I am having recent issues with my Roon and DSJr performance. Using Roon to other non-DSJr Zones is not giving me problems.
Baseline used:
• DSJr with Bridge 3.6.2 hardwired to my router (Google WIFI) via a Buffalo Switch
• I am using static IP addresses for the DSJr and NUC
• Roon 1.5
• Intel NUC with Rock hardwired to my router via a Buffalo switch
After listening to music for a variable amount of time (less than an hour) using Roon I lose connectivity to the DSJr and must power it down. After the reboot Roon then sees the DSJr as an active Zone and all works fine until the next disconnect. It seems playing an MQA selection triggers the disconnect at times.
I have rebooted my router, modem, DSJr, etc. many times to no avail.
I had no issues with this setup since July and the problems have just started.
Should I roll back to 3.5.1? If so, how? I searched for a PS Audio written procedure and could not find it.
I’ve had this problem in the past. Although I run my Roon core on my QNAP NAS. In my case the problem was related to non essential, background Roon processes straining the NAS resources. I have disabled the processes and my Roon and NAS are stable and work as they should. I turned off “Background Audio Analysis Speed” and “On-Demand Audio Analysis Speed” these processes have nothing to do with the quality of your music. They are fluff in my opinion.
Yes, this is good advice. Roon can chew through some serious resources and lose its communication with the Bridge in the process. Turning off any unnecessary services will help that issue.
I now have using my Bluesound Node 2 direct to the DSJr via coax and have no issues. Do I lose any good features of the DSJr by bypassing the Bridge entirely ?
Go to Roon “settings” then “Library” they are the bottom two items. If you bypass the bridge, MQA will need to be unfolded in Roon. You’ll need to change the Roon settings for that.
In my year of using Roon, my connectivity problems were never PS Audio related. They were invariably Roon Software/Core Hardware or Network issues that caused the drop offs. It’s very difficult to diagnose these issues