Router>connected Ethernet port in wall>Cat 8 cable > basic TP Link switch>Cat 8 cable> OPPO 105 network input> Coax out>PS Audio DS.
Everything works and plays fine- including DSD files via DoP.
In adding an EtherRegen unit based upon what I can see from Uptone website I would replace the basic TP Link switch with the EtherRegen and put my cable from wall into one of A ports on EtherRegen and then a cable out from the B port on EtherRegen to the OPPO 105 network input correct?
I also have a Bridge II I have not installed in the PS Audio DS yet. I was going to use the basic TP Link switch and compare using the OPPO 105 vs the Bridge II method of streaming. But then I decided to get the EtherRegen. Is there a way to hook up both units with the EtherRegen? I don’t get why the EtherRegen has four A ports and only one B port out. Can it only be used with one DAC at a time?
The famous isolation of the EtherRegen is between the A and B side. But it works in both directions. So you could connect both the Oppo and the Bridge II to the A side, and connect the ER to the Internet on the B side. (And you could then compare SQ with both connected vs. only one player connected - to hear if they “mess” with each other in any way).
Does that help?
Really? I don’t see that anywhere in the manual. 100 bits is INSANELY slow. I presume you mean Mbps. From the manual:
‘A’ Side
Flashing yellow = Gigabit link with network activity
Flashing green = 100Mbps link with network activity
Solid LED (yellow or green) = Link established but no network activity
‘B’ Side (100Mbps only)
Solid or Flashing green = Network activity
Solid yellow = Network link established (should stay on all the time
when a ‘B’-side connection is made)
There are no clean or dirty ports (the only difference is 100/1000) and they work identically in both directions. See following information from UpTone, the crux is in the word ’ALONE’ (one dac-attached ethernet endpoint at a time for optimal results, theoretically two or more endpoints attached to A could influence each other negatively because lack of the ‘moat’ in between):
“The design methods and innovative ADIM ™ of the EtherREGEN results in dual, isolated clock/data/power domains, blockage of all external leakage currents, a significant reduction in upstream phase-noise fingerprint, and maximal signal integrity.”
”The circuitry across the ADIM™ (moat) is designed to eliminate the signal-borne phase-noise from one side to the other. EtherREGEN is mostly symmetrical—there is no “dirty side” or “clean side.” While it works identically in both directions, it is best to have the DAC-attached Ethernet endpoint device (computer/streamer/etc.) ALONE on one side—typically the ‘B’ side.”
No problem. It’s easy to be confused by this bits / bytes thing as I know too well.
Back in the late '70’s when I was building kit PC’s it was much more familiar to me.
Obviously I don’t use the terminology much at all nowadays.
Not sure why you couldn’t have both mega bit and mega bytes - independent of how they’re typically used. Big “B” denoting bytes and small “b” bits, yeah?
Has anyone tried powering their etherRegen with a quality PSU (Farad, Pardo, etc.) instead of the included wall-wart. If so, was there a clear improvement?
UpTone suggests that there should be no difference, but y’all know how this goes.
I power my ER with a fully loaded Farad. It was a subtle improvement. The much bigger improvement in SQ was from powering the Matrix with a Farad. I was not expecting this.