Firmware Upgrade for DSD MK2 in the Works?

Looks like Ted went MIA…

That usually means he is heads down coding & testing.

Its unusual that a developer/designer comes on forums like this. We are spoiled.

Smart, as the feedback he was getting regarding the inaugural version of the DSD Mk II from forum members was likely more of a distraction or source of frustration, than helpful.

No doubt… But back in the day Ted was on these forums more than anyone.

Dirk may have different thoughts. :rofl:

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I did indeed see that! I focused on the “one day” part of the sentence “ I’m right in the middle of auditioning a new set of software updates that will one day become a new mountaintop for the MK2”. I would expect “one day” to translate to a couple of months, minimum. Darren commented a long time ago that it is grueling to do these “auditions”. He also said it’s not unusual to go through the process then decide a tweak or two is required and the process begins again …. Not sure how Paul finds the time but he is driven!