Next DSD firmware update in early 2021?

Paul, it sure would be awesome to see an update for the DS DAC as 2020 was a nightmare. So far 2021 isn’t a lot different! Product delays everywhere. PS Speakers seem like a dream at this point with a couple from scratch redo’s. Just to mention one.


Ted’s working on a new (and final ) mountaintop update for DS that should be the king of kings!!


What does the word „final“ mean in this context, Paul? The last?

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Final sounds like an update that will the reference standard in the current Directstream Sr chasis and will only be out done by a dual chasis reference product like the TSS Dac.

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From what I understand a new DSD is forthcoming. No release date as yet announced. The current DSD will be obsolete. That could explain the reference to the last mountain top. Possibly time for me to sell my DSD, hmmm. Just a thought…

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Sorry jazznut. I know I’m not the “Paul” you are directing that question towards.

Or more like a well manicured Prince once the new king arrives! Either way I can’t wait for the new update!


After this next FW, there won’t be any new mountain tops for the current DSD. Ted will be focusing his time on the MKII.


Can’t wait…well I can wait for the MKII. I’ll want it but don’t want to spend the money. Bet wanting it wins…we’ll see.


Makes perfect sense.


Wow, that’s for sure pushing sales for the MkII. I guess it has less technical reason?

Are there any teaser details that can be shared for the MkII?

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Yeah, I just think it’s about time. There are enough hardware improvements/updates out there for Ted to play around with that it’s pretty easy to justify moving on. I’m sure Ted could continue to spend countless hours trying to make the old FPGA better, but why not spend that time with new hardware and best the DS Sr. by a huge margin instead of little tiny increments. I am really excited!


Haha, nope :stuck_out_tongue:. Not that I’m at liberty to mention.

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As long as it doesn’t have valves, I don’t care. Valves stopped me buying the ps pre (and power amp come to that). I hate valves, they go off after about half an hour of use in my experience of them in hifi kit.

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They must be afraid of you.


That maybe the most narrow minded comment I have read on this forum. My amps, preamp, and DAC all have tubes. Hundreds if not a thousand hours and it still powers and plays with magical glory! Not looking for a response, but you may want to try again with tubes. The are amazing!


Maybe he lives near a freight train yard?

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It is not narrow-minded. He is merely reporting on his experience.

I have had great luck with tubes and enjoy them. But I were unfortunate to have had multiple bad experiences I would likely shy away as well.


You had previously notified that possible features will come to ds.
@Paul @tedsmith