Congrats PS Audio with FR5 release. Question is: is Sprout 100 capable of driving them properly? I mean without huge compromise. They seem to be very low impedance and not easy to drive at 100 dB or higher without quality loss.
At 100db you’ll have hearing loss.
Sound quality won’t matter anymore.
You are wrong my friend. IMAX standard is about 110dB whuch is twice louder than 100dB, no one hurts there.
If course there’s no aim to listen at 100 for hrs. But sometimes at the most beloved tracks, it is great to feel the sound and this us for 100 dB is needed.
That is why, I hope, engeneers from PS Audio or those who are familiar with the components are able to answer the question.
I don’t care what IMAX standard is. I care about my hearing.
If you need to listen THAT loud then get a high powered amp for that purpose.
Works great with Sprout 100!
If you want to “feel” the music, get yourself a decent subwoofer.
Movies are mixed to 85dB, which is loud. IMAX respects and plays back at this level.
OSHA allows up to 15 minuts at 110dB, hardly conservative.
Of course, it is your choice, but I strongly suggest that you do not go there. Your hearing is vastly more important than feeling the booms of a corny comic book movie.
Sprout will drive the FR5 extremely well. It is a great high performance, affordable amplifier.
I am always under 1 watt, with my monoblocks capable of 1200 watts, LOL.
I cannot even listen to 90db for 5 minutes now; I’m getting soft.
Thank you all. I do really beleive that short listnening sessions of favourite pieces at relatively high SPL is a great option to be blown away by a great music, with no harm for health. Thank you for the confirmation of a good match between these two “basic” products.