Our tabby Agate used to sit with me on the couch when I listened to music in our old living room. In the next house the listening was done in the basement listening room, and she never cared much for the basement. She’d have much rather I’d stay upstairs watching TV.
No felines in the abode today, but years ago one of our toms ‘marked’ my subwoofer as his territory. I never found out of the three we had who the miscreant was (although to this day I suspect it was OJ).
All was forgotten when I got the cute kitty eyes treatment. We humans are such suckers for their tricks. They own us.
Years ago I had a lovely dispositioned Burmese. My system at the time was an Aragon amp with the heat sinks in a “trough” to the side. The cat would only leave the amp for his food and essential business.
I distinctly remember the ‘V’ notch in Aragons’ amps. Never occurred to me what a purrrfect cat couch it would make. Seriously though, is everyone aware Aragon is back in production with updates of the stereo and monobloc amps? Yup.