Golf is for crazy people…

I had a full left hip replacement about 12 years ago and, after recovering, my golf actually improved! :slight_smile: Being a right-handed golfer, I didn’t realize how big an impact not being able to transfer weight effectively onto my left side (without pain) had on my game. :wink:

I think recovery times are much quicker now than they were back then. I reckon it took me about 5 years to get back to full strength on my left side. My tip to you is to do the rehab exercises religiously. :wink:


I started playing the game when I was 12 (nearly 60 years ago :roll_eyes:), joining my local golf club down the road as a junior and riding my bike there towing my golf buggy behind with one hand. The club was also close to school so a buddy and I frequently played after school, especially in summer when the days are longer. The buddy went on to become non-playing professional but I got somewhat distracted with other activities for some years. It’s probably in the last 20 years or so that I’ve become really keen again (turning into a bit of golf tragic :smiley: ) and joined a (now) local club about 15 years ago. Much to my chagrin I had to suspend my membership for the last couple of years which turned out to be not hard to take given the CoViD lockdowns we had to endure. I’m looking forward to resuming my membership on July 1st and regular play again. Not to mention playing again with my buddies at the club. I’ve missed the play, socializing and scenery so it’ll great to get back into it.

If you’re interested, here’s a link to a promo video the club did a few years ago. It’s a ‘flyover’ of the Old course (one of the club’s 4 courses). (:crossed_fingers:it works for you guys.)


My GolfLogix yardage/greens books arrived in the mail yesterday. There’s a very cool GPS phone app too that’s much cheaper and more universal, but I shelled out $50 for a hard copy of my local track. The books are rules compliant, but are a total score dropping tool for data driven, crazy golf nerds. I’m in the Colorado Amateur at my local course next month…on my 47th birthday.

…I’ll probably shell out $50 more for a Father’s Day gift soon. They have done thousands of courses, and I have no affiliation.

Access denied on your link. I bet it’s beautiful.

Argh! I was afraid of that. I found a copy on YouTube here. Let me quickly add that it’s not a ‘hard-sell’ type of promo. It’s just a few glipses without narration. (It has a pleasant soundtrack as well. :wink: )

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Played Sunday, second round post hip replacement (8 weeks). Shot 82 and feeling more comfortable swinging the club.


I believe it may have been Bill Cosby when asked about golf replied something to the effect “ if your balls are in your pocket why take them out , whack them and then chase them. “


Golf is only fun when it goes well. When it does, it’s pretty damn fun.


happy golfing cake day


Happy cake day, I had a nice round early. We were lucky the group in front let us played through. Three of us were done in 3 hours 20 minutes. :golfing_man:


Thanks, dudes!

Shot a 40 on the front today with a par, par, birdie finish. Had a few bad breaks on the back and finished in the opposite direction. Finished bogey, bogey, double-bogey for an 87. Only 3-putt was on 18, and had an unplayable lay IN THE BUNKER right next to some rocks. The only bunker with rocks in it. Lesson learned. Miss the bunker with huge rocks.


I play, 18 HC. I used to be better when I lived in Florida and played a lot. Living in the north east now so golf is seasonal.


dchang05, I was thinking about your earlier comments about both of us dealing with advancing age, and I remembered that I meant to ask you if you and your golfing buddies play any interesting games during friendly rounds.

Since last year, my buddies and I have been playing a lot of 2-person scramble in a match play format. This provides great competition without unduly penalizing players who are having more than their share of “senior moments” on the golf course. It’s a really fun format as long as the 2-person teams are reasonably well-matched. I read somewhere that this is the format often played by Mike Keiser, who is famous for being the developer of the Bandon Dunes Golf Resort in Oregon, as well as having his hand in developing Cabot Links in Nova Scotia and Sand Valley in Wisconsin.

Speaking of old, the folks at Sand Valley have pulled in some additional investors to create a complete reconstruction of The Lido, a famous world-class golf course that no longer exists in its original form on Long Island. Instead, it’s been re-built on sand dunes in the middle of Wisconsin using LIDAR altitude data to recreate its peaks and valleys precisely. It’s supposed to be like a trip in a time machine for modern golfers, and my brother and I will be playing it in early July.

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Good for you! Our group seems to have more and more “senior moments” lately. :laughing: we need to start something similar to sharpen our game.

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I was an excellent golfer on the range but stunk on the course. I kept score of how many balls I had lost during the round. Under six was excellent for this duffer.


I’m a crazy person but I don’t play golf.


Then you’re not quite as crazy as you think you are. :wink:


Actually, I think I am crazier than I think I am. Golf however is not for me.

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A little more eye candy for us crazy golfers. This is another short promo video without narration (just nice music). This one shows some glipses of one of the other 2 courses at my club. This is a Tom Doak designed course called the Gunnamatta, an Australian aboriginal term meaning ‘sandhills’. It’s a links style of course and the most popular with members. Couldn’t find a YouTube copy so I’m hoping this link will work. :wink:


That’s a beautiful golf course! I’m a real fan of Tom Doak’s courses. I’ve played Pacific Dunes at the Bandon Dunes Resort in Oregon and Lost Dunes in southwestern Michigan, where my brother is a member. Doak has also been responsible for the recent reconstruction of The Lido in Wisconsin, where I’ll be playing in July.

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