Has the "Paul's Post " section of "the Hi-Fi Family" been allowed to become another Audio Asylum "Inmate "forum

and play-doh

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I couldn’t go through the whole comments section. But from what I read it seems that Fat Rat is making comments that some may disagree with, but to say he is “posting trash” and “classless comments” seems a bit strong, but I do admit that I could not bare to read the political back and forth for as long as it might have taken to understand your reaction. I do appreciate the heads up and am with you related to the sentiment that political comments are not generally helpful in a forum or website like this.

I like Elk’s statement that free speech is not at issue here. We are limited to what we are allowed to say - for the integrity and purpose of this forum.

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I never saw the comments section. It did not appear.
I am thankful.


Steven S,
your rationale leaves something to be desired…because Fat Rat is an Australian audio salesman he therefore has class. His posts are and his attitude is offensive… where he was born does not make him immune…I did not refer to his place of origin…you are the one generalizing that I am a stereotypical New Yorker… care to elaborate ?
Also, you assume no one will ever read his posts since the clock changes … so, now, anything goes on PS Audio’s website there will no longer be any restriction to anyone’s posts. No moderation indicates posting obnoxious trash is acceptable and in FR’s case is encouraged…

That was unpleasant to read. To protect us from further messages like this I welcome you to try the ignore user features of this Forum. Every once in a while someone Just rubs you the wrong way. The over and over part is a personal choice you can make. Hooray life!


I was being a touch ironic,

Ditto. I rarely miss a video but don’t even scan the comments section. But this is true of anyone whose channel I subscribe to. The comments sections rarely added anything of value to the content of the video.


Spot on. :+1:
Most times there is no usable info in the comments of any YT video.

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Chill, man :slight_smile:


Reading some of the recent Paul’s Post most comments by Fat Rat are political and/or insulting to other users. Picking up the pieces has at least one example of emotional dysregulation or trolling.

Its a shame. I truly enjoy @Paul 's Posts. Good thing there is a block user feature!


I am not involved with Paul’s Posts and am unable to police/influence the responses.

You may wish to share your concern wit Paul directly.


Ugh. Sorry. Mr. Rat gets going and I haven’t been monitoring it for a few days as I am traveling in France with my family. I will have a look. Thanks for the heads up.

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Enjoy France!

Indeed, the rat is offensive and when it looked like PS “moderators” decided to just let him go, I decided to stop watching videos and reading Pauls Post. There are more out there than bother with a response since it seems futile to complain. Such a shame a great site allowed to turn into a cesspool because of one offensive bastard who seeks attention thru quantity posts vs quality…


I agree, its regretful. I keep coming back since I enjoy Paul’s Posts; he has so much to offer and is so generous with his knowledge (thanks @Paul )

I have read a lot of posts from Monsieur Rat to see if its an occasional fit of internet keyboardrrhea but it seems to be his standard MO. Most posts I’ve read are attacks, political innuendos and plain old trolling.

Its a great shame, there is so much to learn and enjoy from Paul… Don’ t leave, just report the behavior and block the offenders.

Thanks guys. Can you point me to an offending post and I’ll try and moderate it out.

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Its like being back at grade school. Its one of the issues with the internet.

I come here to learn and share about our love for music and the tech and enterprises that allow us to enjoy it. How do some turn everything into a political fight?

I have blocked FR and another one so I cant link to the offending messages. Sorry

Hi Paul…your efforts, hard work that give us these resources for us are very valuable and
and command respect.

Perhaps an initial broadcast warning for everyone on Paul’t posts with regard to opinionated
attitudes and behavior to come into line with the heart and spirit of Paul’s Posts would be in order.

Further violations and they go on permanent vacation…

Best wishes in carrying this out if you choose to do so.

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A quick review and I found a good smattering of political/insulting posts in “Picking up the Pieces” as well as the next older topic.

Fat Rat is not alone. He has a good number of colleagues who join him, on both sides of the political spectrum. :frowning:


I used to read @Paul 's daily posts but haven’t for a while.

I recall the comments being so vastly different from those we all make here as in caustic.

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