Ordered a P-15 last Friday (Aug. 12] at 3 pm EDT, which arrived today (Aug 15) at about 4 pm. Boulder to Arlington VA in 3 days. Great turnaround by PSA to get my order out the same day, and miracles do happen, even with FedEx!
Congratulations! Once the burn-in is complete, you won’t be able to listen to your system without it
Thanks, Serhan. Looking forward to getting it into my system (if not the task of reorganizing my set-up).
Indeed. Enjoy! I couldn’t believe what I was hearing once I plugged in my P20.
Congratulations on your new P15!!! It will lift your system to a whole
new playing field…Glad you got yours
Like yourself My P15 shipped same day…delivered by FedEx on time and perfect
condition. In my case the driver even lifted it and placed it inside my house!!!
Due to low back challenges he was gracious and granted my request.
Given my lower back degenerative conditions…it took over 4 hours with many rest
breaks to get it into place…
Well worth it!!!
Best wishes
Mind boggling that ordering a product and getting it delivered is considered a miracle and/or something deserving a tip of the hat.
Not trying to be a thread-killer here - just that I order stuff a lot and a lot of it comes via FedEx and haven’t had problems. My suspicion is that this is the case for the majority of customers - both of PS and of FedEx - but we tend not to weigh in on complaint threads. If you have a problem and read a lot of complaint threads, you could start thinking it was common.
PSA protects their gear through nuke proof packaging. Getting it in 3 days is only half the battle, FedEx or UPS. Getting it intact is the other half the battle. Thank PSA for that, I’ve seen enough videos of the gorillas dropping boxes off of lift gates to know who really gets credit for your goody being in one piece. badbeef gets the post of the day trophy, btw. Amen brother! Actually getting what we paid for to be shipped on-time and in one piece shouldn’t be cause for popping champagne.