I just tried to update my P20 to 1.23, but it’s not working.
I own a dsd dac and a dmp, and never had a problem with an update.
I followed the usual process, reformatting in fat 32, copying and ejecting etc.
No luck.
Please help.
I just tried to update my P20 to 1.23, but it’s not working.
I own a dsd dac and a dmp, and never had a problem with an update.
I followed the usual process, reformatting in fat 32, copying and ejecting etc.
No luck.
Please help.
I’m not really computer literate, so, take this with a grain of salt. I think I have formatted cards in FAT16 for updates. Good luck!
Thank you but not an option on my pc …
Ps audio customer support, please help.
Call them up. I think they will sell you a correctly formatted memory stick with the files on it for little money.
Thanks Baldy, but I am in Brussels, it may take a while to get here …
I was hoping at PS Audio could help me …
I know this doesn’t answer your question, but if your P20 works without problems, as does mine, why not pass on the update? Just a thought…
Thanks @RonP.
But I did have some weird behavior on my P20, so I would like to go to 1.23.
Installed for me without any issue. Are you using the SD card that came with the device? Needs to be a small card. Assume you have looked at the videos, read the guidance on the forum. Otherwise might be Monday before PS is back in.
If you have a new piece of gear that doesn’t work properly out of the box I think PS Audio ought to be sending out cards with the update at no charge for those who request them.
I agree !
Did you ever update your P20 before…?
Do you have all SIX files from the ZIP file in de root of your 4/8/16GB FAT32/MBR formatted card…?
Brussels. Yes it could take some time to get there. Did you try emailing them? I know they always reply to emails within a few hours or less. I forget that the internet makes the globe timeless and without physical boundaries. I do not have a P20 but for my DSJr I has to use a 4g drive formatted in fat16 if my memory serves me right. You may be able to find a smaller memory card at a local vendor?
Thank you all.
I will try with another SD card, and contact support if it still doesn’t work.
It’s odd, because I have never had any update issue with my dsd, dmp and P5.
When I completed my DS DAC upgrade kit and attempted to load new firmware with the included SD card it failed because the bootloader in my PWD was an earlier version that required a 2GB SD card. PS Audio had me transfer the files to the smaller card I had on hand and worked like a charm. Their support has been great so far.
Not sure this helps but thought I’d share.
It may be worth trying the card in one of your other PS Audio products.
Thank you Elk, I will try that.
If you have a different sd card it might be worth trying the update using that.
Yes, all good suggestions. Make sure you have extracted the files from the Zip file. Make sure the files have then been removed from the folder. You should place all the individual files on a clean 2gB SD card (like the one that came with your P20), and then make sure the SD card goes in the correct way.
If all that is correct and you’ve made sure, then it’s time to email support and when they return on Monday we’ll get you some help.
The vast majority of problems with update can be traced to not following the process as I just described, using the wrong SD card, putting it in upside down. However, sometimes it just needs some love from support.
Thank you Paul, much appreciated.
The SD card was missing, is it different than the ones I use for my dsd dac, dmp and P5?
Also, I insert it with the gold pins down, right?
It is strange because I have never had an issue updating my three other PS Audio products.
After trying three times with 2 different cards, I gave up and emailed support@psaudio.com.