There are 4 dark screws at roughly four corners on the inside edges. You remove only those. I use a commercial glass and mirror suction device to remove the cover. Some are really stubborn to remove.
On the bottom. Then flip it over onto it’s bottom and lift off the top. The four screw secure the cover only. I use the glass and mirror suction device because it works and doesn’t damage the surface as long as you’re careful. There are little foil contacts that may come off. Also it helps to take a picture incase you can’t figure everything out when it goes back together.
Finally done it. That was a stressful 30 minutes lol
The All threads I bought were too long & would bend when I tried pushing them down to pop up the top cover. I had to push each one by hand to loosen the top. I grabbed them with a towel & pushed as hard as I could. Then I flipped them & tried wiggling the unit, not applying too much pressure so it won’t bend. I finally took it off.
Now do the fuse holders just unplug? They seem tightly connected. Can they be just pulled off with my fingers?
Also is there a right way to know which direction a directional fuses are supposed to go?
There is no consensus on fuse direction of which I am aware. Try the fuse both ways and listen to decide which you like better. You can, of course, use the DAC without the cover on as you decide.