How not to convince your spouse that you need a P20

So this is how’s recent conversation went with my wife. I could use some tips for next time please!

Me: So I’m thinking about getting another component for my stereo.
Wife: :roll_eyes: How much is it? Ten thousand dollars???
Me: Uh… we’ll yes…but that’s the list price.
Wife: And what does it do?
Me: Well, it lowers the noise floor…
Wife: It does what???
Me: Uh, it makes the music sound better…
Wife: and will we be able to hear the difference?
My 12 year old daughter: Nope, only daddy can hear the difference! :rofl::rofl::rofl:


Threaten to have your daughter shipped off to boarding school…?


Now that’s an idea!

Next time, bribe your daughter first to be on your side. Then talk to wife.


Just tell her the truth. If you don’t buy a good power conditioner, the next time there is a power surge, it can cause her more than ten grand to replace all your precious equipment.




Maybe if you purchased it without letting her know about it, she’ll never hear the difference

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I never even discuss my gear purchases with the Mrs. If I did, there would not be any.


My wife and I agree that the one thing we can’t afford is a divorce, so she buys what she wants, I buy what I want and things for the house and holidays we agree together. As she doesn’t go to the hairdresser and I don’t have a mistress, our discretionary spending is pretty much under control. She has no idea what the hifi cost and doesn’t want to know.

As a P20 costs what I paid for a new car last year, I’ll be giving it a miss.



We have the same arrangement in my house.

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No P20 in da haus then?:blush: I would like to buy a new car for 12K€,but sadly this is Finland,fineland and decent new cars cost 100k€ if not willing to settle in Hyundai or likes.
No need luckily to use WAF as an excuse,I just inform her ,hey you will be getting a new black box next week ! - Say what? Yes it will make it sound better and louder !:grin:


I really like my Hyundai, and that is coming from a Toyota.

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An excellent bang for the buck, well designed and made vehicles - readily enjoyable.

As to the topic, I am always saddened by these threads.

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Fortunately my wife never has had any issues with discretionary spending that I have done over our 43 years of marriage. I have more of a problem justifying the purchases to myself than to her. Same goes for her purchases but mine tend to be in the $1k to $20k each range and hers tend to be less than $100 dollars each.


50 plus years of marriage; when I have a disagreement with my wife, if we don’t agree, we do what she wants. But, when we agree, we do what I want.

File under, “marriage is like quicksand, you have a better chance of survival if you don’t struggle.”


My wife is actually pretty cool about my hobby. She ribs me but I have my thing and she has hers and we try and keep it fair when it comes to discretionary spending. We’ve been married 28 years and I wouldn’t be the person I am without her so it’s all good!


She lets you go to the opera. What more do you want?

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Couldn’t resist a couple of favorite marriage quips. She comes with me. Great cultural (and every other kind of) partner.

I’ve always thought there should be a physiological approach to audio system cost. One formula is predicted life expectancy x 1,000. Another involves having your hearing tested and applying the formula (upper audible frequency / 100) squared. This may limit P20 sales.

Once I approached, then crossed, the 7th decade threshold I went with a simpler calculus; “now or never”.