How to update PWD Firmware

Welcome, Wouter. Sorry that you are having difficulty. Two things that hang people up are making sure that the contacts on the card are facing “up” and that the files on the card are not contained in a folder. I know that this sounds simplistic, but it stumps a lot of people.

Ha! The Australian contingent beat me to the punch!

:slight_smile: <):slight_smile:

Just goes to show how common this issue is! Maybe a redesigned PWD should allow the SD card to face down… Gordon could get some sleep then!

Thanks both, but contacts are facing up and files are in root directory of the folder. Next step please! :slight_smile:

Funny that the card contact comments are a nearly perfect paraphrase of each other. I already had it typed and yours popped up just before I sent mine. Is this an example of the “group mentality” taking over? :slight_smile:

Do PM your tel number to those who have offered. They have bigger brains than mine. Offhand, it sounds like a card issue since you are not getting any action at all. Perhaps try a different card?

Root directory of the card, or is there a folder within the card? They have to be “upfront” on the card, not in a folder.

Next step is try downloading 2.43 into a different folder on your computer and then use the fresh download files on the SD card. Then try a different SD card (hopefully you have another one) if that doesn’t work. The SD card may also need to be “unlocked” with the little plastic switch on the side.

Do PM your tel number to those who have offered. They have bigger brains than mine. Offhand, it sounds like a card issue since you are not getting any action at all. Perhaps try a different card?

Haha... Again!
I prefer "herd mentality"... Now where is Elk...?

Tried fresh downloaded files on re-formatted SC card. Card works completely normal in my laptop, but again: nothing happens on the PWD.

I don’t have another 2G SD card (who does?).

Next step anyone?

We’ll flash the beacon in the Canadian sky for you…

Attached files

Gordon may be able to help more at this stage. Hopefully he sees the beacon…

I think this relates to one of 3 possible scenarios: incorrect formatting of SD card (it needs to be FAT 16), SD card somehow faulty (you will need to source a new one) or the PWD card reader is faulty (quite unlikely).

My format options are FAT (default) or FAT32. I selected FAT (default). Allocation file size: default/32. Could any of this be the problem?

Possibly, I’m not a windows user, so my knowledge is not the best in this area. Perhaps google search formatting to FAT 16 on your OS…

I switched to MacOS and formatted the SD card again + downloaded the files to the card. NOW it works! So Windows users: get access to a Mac and your problem is solved.

Thanks all!

=D> :D/

Well done @wouterklink Hope you enjoy the SQ options now available to you. Report back your experiences in the appropriate forum if you wish.

Do I chalk one up for the boy wonder from downunder?

PS, you can turn off that beacon now @wglenn

I guess Windows is not FAT enough. :smiley: Three cheers for the Aussies! =D>

Very cool.

Man, you guys know all the tricks and they WORK.

Guess I can retire now, finally.

This win/MaC card thing is a new one for me. Thanks for the heads up.

I keep telling ya, do it on the front panel . . . .


In Windows, the displayed format “FAT” is FAT 16.

I would not have thought of trying a Mac, great idea!

An option for Windows nerdy types if you cannot find a FAT or FAT16 option by right clicking on the drive:

Determine the driveletter for the plugged in SD card (typically E: for a USB car reader).

Click on START

Click on RUN

Type: cmd.exe in the run box and press Enter or click OK

In the black window which appears, Type: FORMAT E: /FS:FAT16

streets still works said: I keep telling ya, do it on the front panel . . . .

Very nice, but repeating this would not, and does not, help our friend or others who need assistance. No one argues that a perfect upgrade system would not be a good thing.

We need Alekz to counter with his battle cry “Linux!.” so that our heads can snap from the extreme of total user control to the excess of total user handholding. :slight_smile:

Linux! Front Panel! Linux! Front Panel! . . .

My tummy hurts.