I miss...

Yeah, it makes some sense now. On the subject of the look as you want, I have contacted the guys at Simple Press to see if we could pay them to customise the forums as you want. I’ll see what they say.

The time stamp thing is a danged mystery! Why do things keep changing?boxing_gifdoh_gifangry_gif

I have a support ticket in now. Sigh.

Bummer that the transition became such a hassle - sorry, Paul.

No worries, thanks. I knew it would be hard. The good news is everything’s integrated now in one database and should we ever decide to change the webpage theme or forums theme, it’s easy.

You know how when you start to hike a mountain someone says “yeah, that one’s really gnarly! Hard as hell to climb” And you nod your head and say, “sure, sure”. And then you’re halfway up the mountain and it is REALLY hard!

I knew it going in. But now I am all in, it’s REALLY HARD!20_gif

We need to do something… I have read all threads that show up under New and Unread yet the title near the top still insists that there are two threads with unread posts. How the F do I dind the? Read EVERY thread on the site?? At least the sort priority in the New and Unread list should be unread instead of new. Better yet, instead of only the last 10 (or however many it is) display ALL threads with unread posts.

I have no idea how Paul tracks it, unless he only checks a few threads and doesn’t try to follow all posts in the forum.


I commented on the same thing.

wingsounds13 said We need to do something... I have read all threads that show up under New and Unread yet the title near the top still insists that there are two threads with unread posts. How the F do I dind the? Read EVERY thread on the site?? At least the sort priority in the New and Unread list should be unread instead of new. Better yet, instead of only the last 10 (or however many it is) display ALL threads with unread posts.

I have no idea how Paul tracks it, unless he only checks a few threads and doesn’t try to follow all posts in the forum.


Well, for me it’s easy because yes, I read every bloody post. But that doesn’t help people who aren’t obsessed like I am nerd_gif

Here’s the plan for now. We spend about 6 hours a day between me, my programmer and the sales people, fixing this and that on product registrations, bugs, forum issues (like the date and time missing) and slowly but surely, one by one, they are getting nailed. Last night, for example, Ryan (our programmer) finally tied another 450 users to their products so most of you should have your products now tied to your names in My Products section of the site. Those that don’t will hopefully let us know and we’ll add them one at a time.

But once the major dust balls have settled, and we’re getting closer, we will then go into phase 15 (or whateversorry-smiley-emoticon_gif) and start making wholesale improvements to the areas not to our liking. We can replace this forum’s basic theme or tweak the way it works and believe me, that’s high on my list.

But housecleaning first, then tackle the weekend projects and improvements.

I need a nap after merely reading this description of the work you are putting into this.

By all means, Paul, you must stick to your priorities and making sure that business flows on the website is top of the list.

I want to have my cake and eat it too so while I miss that “All in one” look to the old forum I would hate to lose the categorical arrangement of the new. What I would like to see is a feature that gives us the posts just like the old forum did as an option, or separate window/page etc. I would not want to disrupt the system particular to the new forum (whenever that becomes apparent, hehedevil_gif).

I like the way that your posts are integrated into the website now. Perhaps more of us will venture a timid toe in the water with the likes of Andrew Benjamin, Soundminded and Dr. AIX. Not without a lifeline, though.1_gif