I2S cable advice

Like @Vmax said…WWPS7, RAL, AQ Dragon…good, better, best.


Thanks @Vmax , I have invested allot in power cables and power distributor from Ansuz which made a big improvement in dynamics and black background. I would also like to have the best hdmi between Airlens and MKII dac. I live in Norway, so big question if the company you mentioned ship outside US?

… AQ Dragon topped even Nordost Valhalla 2 4K (HDMI) for lengths in SQ, checked between DMP and DSD Sr. MK1 at that time:

  • Higher Resolution
  • Better Fluidity
  • More Naturalness with Instruments.

I believe they deal worldwide. The Music Room in Boulder CO. The Dragon HDMI gives as much as an excellent power cable does and adds with other upgrades.

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@Vmax I will send a mail and ask about price and shipment cost to Norway😄

Make sure it goes to nick@tmraudio.com


@Vmax Got a response from Nick now, unfortunately, they don’t ship outside the US market. I haven’t found any retailers selling Dragon HDMI in Norway yet, but I’m still looking.

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Try ArtsExcellence, a reliable Dutch webshop where I have repeatedly done business to satisfaction.


They ship to the US, maybe they also ship to Norway…


TMR will not ship outside the US. Definitely not AQ. I heard this direct from Nick Lucini.


The Cable Company ships outside the US. “There are no U.S. taxes or duties for purchases made by our International customers.” You also get “frequent flyer discount” on many items.


@2muchgear Future Shop ship to Norway, price is 1 616 GBP included shipping with FedEx Economy.
Silly amount of money for a 0,6 meter cable, need to consider if it provides an improvement in sound that justifies the investment! Would really like the opportunity to test it in the system before buying it :slight_smile:

Have you considered the Tubulus Concentus I2S cable? Some folks on this forum introduced me to it a while back and I have been very pleased with it between my PST and DAC, originally the MK1 and now the MK2. I haven’t had a chance to compare it with the Audioquest Dragon, which may be better – as it should be for 3 1/2 times the cost. I can’t say exactly how it would sound in your system, but in general I think the Concentus is in the same SQ range as the RAL and the Audioquest Firebird 48. Tubulus is in the Netherlands so shipping to Norway should not be a problem. If you do pursue this cable, be sure to get the recent revision so that you will get the green light on the DS DAC.


Understood. I do not own nor ever tried an AQ Dragon cable so I do not have my own opinion. I was just pointing to that store because I have purchased from them before (even though I am in the US) and was satisfied with their service.

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@magister thanks, I will check it out.

I think I read somewhere that the screw on the MK2 I2S input must be changed or modified before the Tubulus I2S can connect properly, is this the case?

Yes, I needed to replace the round head screws with wafer head ones so that the Concentus would connect properly. This was very easy to do.

However, I understand that now Tubulus can make a modification to the connector for those who have PSA gear; you just have to let them know when you order the cable.

Excellent, thanks for the information.

If you’ve seen their modification it changes the cosmetics of the cable. It is much simpler to just get new screws from Ace Hardware and get a standard cable. Cost of the new screws are probably around a dollar.

I was wondering about the quality of the modification, do you know the screw replacement size etc?