@tak1313 Whatever a person’s attitude towards insurance companies, the fact remains, some aftermarket fuses are intentionally de-rated at a given value to improve figures of the insertion loss, but this can be misleading to the consumer as many aftermarket companies do not submit their product for UL, CSA or other international certifications to ensure their product is safe as advertised. This speaks volumes.
That was my concern (kind of) for my 1.6QR. De-rating for insertion loss COULD also mean allowing more current than rated. Some completely bypass the fuse in Maggies with sollid copper (et al.), but I’m not quite willing. Granted, they are old speakers, but I like them enough that i’ve never gone back to either my Revel M20 or Ohm Walsh 5.
This guy posts spectacular “amateur” reviews. Very, very thorough and combines subjective and objective observation as much as possible. I have stumbled across several pieces of his work over the years.
Do you know if he is still active?
Unfortunately, I don’t know. The review he did on HiFi-Tuning and Isoclean fuses back in May, 2009 on the Polk Audio forum was just as you say – quite comprehensive.
Well, that is a very objective thing to say. /sarc.
Oh boy …here we go again…
Pop corn time again
Best wishes
EARS! Both of 'em!
Yep otherwise known as left paddle and right paddle protrusion
flapping on each side of the head…
Best wishes
Hey @Elk, maybe it’s time to close this thread. It has ran it’s course and I see nothing more constructive that can come from it. Thank you.
As the OP can’t you close it down?