Just wow. So yeah. I basically just saw Genesis in 76-77.
Those Seconds Out shows are the #1 show I wish I’d been old enough to see. these guys are so close. Not the Beatles. Not Woodstock. Not Zeppelin. That Seconds Out era was my top wishlist. This is it. Wow. I nearly hyperventilated when they played Dance on a Volcano.
Act 2 was the Gabriel era as they brought out the bass drum. I expected Firth of Fifth. I did not expect the piano intro. I did not expect Stagnation. I did not expect Can Utility and the Coastliners. And the encore was Supper’s Ready. What a night.
I am genuinely happy.
And Steve Hackett is playing Cincinnati in the spring. What a country.
Mike in Dayton
No Squonk?!?
That was the one we waited for “back in the day”. Sometimes they opened with it, so it paid to be on time. My brother missed it while parking the car once. Though I’d give the nod to the Secret World tour. Now, That was a Show.
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No “Squonk”. But their medley included a bit of “Mouses Night, “Wot Gorilla” all of “Unquiet Slumbers/Quiet Earth”. And they did both “Dance on a Volcano“ and “Los Endos”
Plus “Cinema Show” and “Firth” with the piano intro. The lead singer is a better Gabriel than a Collins, but he was still a very very good Collins. They did “Supper’s Ready” as their encore. Amazing.
Not gonna lie, I was hoping for “Squonk” but was so overwhelmed by Dance and Endos that I probably would have fainted. No complaints.
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I’m going to see Hackett in the spring and he is performing all of “Seconds Out” so I’ll get my “Squonk” then.
It’s slightly depressing that I’m getting my Genesis fix this year by not seeing Genesis. It’s all about the music.
They’re taking The Lamb on the road next year and I plan to see that if I can. They apparently got the original projection slides used by Genesis back in 1976 on the tour so…
It’s less a cover band than a re-creation. It’s uncanny. When the lead singer came out in the white suit for the end of Supper’s…if you squint it was Gabriel.
Oh, yeah. It’s happening, baby.