Longshot (UK Based) DS Dac repair/replacement board query

DS Dac and BHK Pre owner here from accross the Pond,
DS Dac is the Hub of my digital system, modded it, tweaked it, love it.

Last wee while though the display’s been flickering, not a problem as I run it dimmed anyway, and use remote volume,

Did a power recycle today and on powerup I didnt have any more flickering, just a white screen.
Dac plays as before - all ok - I can even touchscreen the volume up and down - but no display itself.

So the board has failed now.

Any PSA based options available to purchase a replacement, and if not, any of the PS Audio Fam out there able to source a replacement board?

Many thanks

Signaturesystems.co.uk are the UK distributors for PS Audio so maybe try them.
Have you sent a detailed email to PS Audio support detailing your problems?
Between the two above, should get you answers and a way forward.

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Thank You
I’ll do exactly that.

Thanks for the reply, and all the best

To round the thread off,

Reached out to PS Audio support and they confirmed I can contact my local reseller for a replacement board.

Fantastic service, thanks All.


Good news!


Excellent news, good outcome for you.

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Wierdest thing…

Few days ago I had a power outage, when I booted the system back up the Display was back - with no flickering!

Seems rock solid now for the last few days, guess a power glitch took it out originally, but not completely.

No idea whats happened, but hey, I’ll take the win.

Great to know the support is there from PS Audio if need be.
Happy days.

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