Loss of cover art. What do you do? Better or worse today?

Album covers… a ton of realestate… opens up, booklets… tons of information about the players etc…
Then loss… the CD…
CD… smaller size… loss of art… more difficult to read… some had booklets…
Then loss… the download…
Download… nothing… maybe a PDF

So… is this a loss or a shift?

Now when I listen to music, I have my PC in front of me… for Tom Waits, I pull up is lyrics (poetry actually), for older bands, I pull up ALLMUSIC.com and read reviews, artist histories… in some cases, better stuff than was on album covers.

So, something is lost something is gained…


Bruce in Philly

One of my pet peaves is that the vast majority of downloads include only the front album picture and not PDFs of the booklets.


I guess it would cost the manufacturer 5c to include the pdf; but if it were optional; what would they charge? :slight_smile:

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I don’t lose anything. All the information is embedded in the App which controls the player.