Music deals and sales please share your finds here!

For those of you that can buy from Presto Music in the UK, there is this:

32 hours and 12 minutes of FLAC CD quality, 44.1 kHz, 16 bit music on sale until June 12 for only 24.00 USD.

I know, not full HD. Bit still. Worth a look.
Also, maybe not exactly a “best of”, but sure does cover a lot of musical ground.

Presto Music continually has sales.Worth keeping an eye on them too.
Happy listening!

Edit: Download finished.
For those that it matters to, 315 tracks at 7.92 GB of music.

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Hmmm, the link shows the price as $33.50.

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I noticed the same price. Maybe it was a sale that ended.


The $33.50 price was valid until 12 June. The sale was stated as “get CD quality for the price of MP3”. We need a “get Hi Rez (for me, that’s at least 24-96) for the price of CD quality”.


Full listing of the Decca albums should be here:

Decca - Hi-Res Downloads at MP3 Prices
Special offer ends: 12/06/2024

But yes, CD quality not full HD for the album that I posted:
Info from the page of the link listed in my first related post.
MP3 $24.00
FLAC (CD quality, 44.1 kHz, 16 bit) ($32.25) Reduced price $24.00

I will assume that the sale is to the end of the day, in the UK, on June 11.
So should still be couple days left.

Also I wonder and I am not aware if the sales are regional?
Or for registered members?

Hopefully you can sort it out.

Includes a Fathers Day special…


FYI: *20% Off a Selection of 125 Albums.

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20% off selected titles for a limited time at Reference Recordings:

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Native DSD Music - Jazz Special:


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25% off Summer Sale @:



WyWires Pre Election Day Sale

Blue Series 25% off
Silver Series 30% off
Platinum Series 35% off
Diamond Series 45% off


Running a special…the samples “seem nice”.

Happy Friday, everyone.

If you like to download your music, Native DSD has some special offers up on their website:


I took advantage of this current promotion from ProStudioMasters:



In addition to what’s shown, there’s three Chet Baker Paris Sessions recordings in 4xDSD offered at reasonable prices to check out.

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Yes, released on SACD in Japan on the 25th. . . I have copies of the three SHM-SACDs on the way to me.

This is great music.


Nice find, but I wish for all the selections they’d identify the native capture format/resolution.

Hi tony22

Based on the age of the original recordings (circa late 50s or 60s) it’s a safe bet they were mastered and captured on analogue tape.


I guess I was less than clear. I meant the capture to digital. :wink: