I installed the Cat 6a cable to my router but I seem to have misplaced the instructions for connecting to the PS Audio server. The Quickstart guide stops at the point where the ethernet cable is connected. What I need are the next steps…
Can anyone help me find the steps to connect to the PS Audio server and get Tidal up and running?
Well more frustration. I found some posts about using MConnect Control to play Tidal and Qobuz but when I select Bridge II, it says neither “is supported on this device”.
Does anyone have the Bridge II instruction sheets? I cannot find them on this website.
One tip: make sure you downloaded the mcontrol application on your mobile device. mconnectControl is the app. you want to be running. I believe the current version is 2.4.10. Good luck.
There is support on the developer’s (CONVERSEDIGITAL) site at converse digital.com.
Your reply is confusing. You say don’t download the Control version but then you say Control is the app I want to be running. Which is it? I tried the Control app. Doesn’t work.
Isn’t there a setup procedure for connecting to my router? Don’t I have to “point” it to a server somewhere? Isn’t that how the Bridge brings in the album art?
Why isn’t there a page on this site with instructions? I did not see it in the How To section.
When I select Tidal in mconnect or mcontrol, it goes right to a sign in screen with two fields for username and password. I don’t have a Tidal account so can’t try logging in. I assume it’ll work. I’m using JRiver as a server but don’t think that matters for Tidal Access. Make sure BridgeII is selected as the player…shows up top center of the screen.
PS, make sure your DAC indicates that Bridge II is connected to the internet. Beyond that, I am at a bit of a loss. When you go to the Browser screen on the app. it should show you all of the available “Libraries” (e.g., Tidal, Qobuz, Spotify, Deezer, etc.).
If all else fails, my default is to start over. Have you tried re-booting the network and the DAC?
Once you have reestablished your network connection with the Bridge II, give it another go.
Wish I could be of further assistance…
If this does not work, PS Audio is pretty good about troubleshooting with you – event if the issue is not specifically related to the DAC/Bridge. But, you are out of luck until Monday.
Still no luck on this. Anyone have any other ideas? Is there an initial setup to connect with the home network or is that automatic when I plug the Cat 6a into the router?
When you use the front panel options does the Bridge have an IP address? If so, if you have a computer hooked up to the network, I would suggest installing a trial copy of Roon, then see if Roon sees the Bridge. This is the simplest way, set-up wise, to see if the Bridge is good to go.